
How long till Heinz pull their Deli Gayonnaise off the shelves?

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The g*y kiss ad didn't offend me personally - but everytime I see Heinz products (particularly mayonnaise) from now on there is a very particular image in my mind, and it ain't one that is going to encourage me to buy the product -- quite the opposite. Association is how advertising works.

I don't know if it will cause the demise of the Heinz brand, but I bet the product is quietly dropped from UK shelves - straights don't like the association, and g**s are boycotting it...

But how long do you think it will take?




  1. The advert made me laugh! I didn't even consider that to be a 'g*y' kiss - some people just don't get adverts and a lot of people (i.e those who complained) have a lot of time on their hands. Get a hobby. And a grip.

    I bloody-well hope that Heinz products will stay on the shelves - especially the tomato ketchup. Don't deprive me of my tomato ketchup!

  2. OMG how dramatic is everyone over this advert!!

    It's supposed to be funny but whatever!

    People are tooooooo sensitive nowadays

  3. They said they had pulled the advert because they'd had 257 complaints that they were causing offense, mainly to young people.

    I wonder if these are the same young people that are going around carrying knives and guns - in case anyone offends them ! ! !

  4. All publicity is good publicity and a company like Heinz are way too well established to let a very minor boycott cause them any long-term problems.

    If anything gets pulled from the shelves, it will be temporary at most.

    I hadn't heard anything about this until your question, so as far as I know it's not been widely talked about in the UK.

  5. it has already been removed. To many complaints, they pulled it on Monday.

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