
How long till i get really sick?

by  |  earlier

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Well, i've been through an incredibly hard breakup. And well i have always had a bit of an eating disorder. I dont make myself throw up or anything, but i don't eat much. I skip meals, and just never feel like eating. But now, since my BF was a complete gutless coward and we broke up, i have barely eaten. So in 6 days, I have eaten 3 pizza singles, a sausage roll and 2 bread rolls. Thats it. So i really only eat one thing a day.

And i dont feel hungry, i dont feel like eating. And whenever i eat I feel incredibly sick. Im worried. I know i need to eat, but i just cant.

And im worried that im going to faint or something. And the other day i just felt woozy and fell backwards.

Is there any way i can start eating more again?




  1. Simple solution.  Force yourself to eat.

    Do not eat:  Foods high in fat or calories.  Foods with caffeine.  Foods with alcohol.  Foods high in fat or calories can make you feel full even though your body isn't.  Foods with caffeine can make your body work overtime and affect your mind.  Alcohol is a depressant, and will make you feel sadder.  All of these things steal the nutrition that you need to start feeling better.

    Eat:  Three balanced meals a day, whether you feel like it or not.  Eat your vegetables, fruits, and enjoy a little milk and meat.  Grains are great too!  When your body is getting what it needs, it feels better.  When your body feels better, your mind feels better too.  Be sure to drink a bottle of water or so a day so you do not become dehydrated.

    In addition, start exercising.  Go for a walk, or a run daily.  Exercise will not only make your body burn calories [which will make you hungry], but it will give you seritonin; the happy hormone, which will make you feel better.  That being said, start exercising only after you have been forcefeeding yourself for a day or two, or else you could seriously hurt yourself.

    Good luck and I hope this helps!

  2. start out with 2-3 small meals a day and work your way up

    if you try to eat a lot at one time you'll feel sick[like you did] i know cause i do this all the time i won't eat for like 2 days and then i'll try to eat like chinese food and feel like imma vomit cause your body gets used to not eating

    good luck with your ed[eating disorder] I've had mine for over 6 years now, it's not easy to admit but it's almost impossible to stop on your own so have a good support group, friends, family, trusted adults.

  3. I am so glad to hear that you are acually trying to do something about this and not just accept it.  Good for you.  

    Go out and buy some high calorie and protein drinks like Ensure.  I would recommend vanilla.  Bring it home with some frozen berries, add supplements from the health food store, they will know there what to recommend, and drink a smoothie.  That way atleast even if you aren't getting much in, it will be high quality.

  4. make sure you are taking plenty of vitamin supplements!

    every day take fiber pills, vitamin a-z, calcium, etc!

    also, drink protein shakes for extra energy and force yourself to eat the whole thing and you will be fine.

    eat with people you are close with also, perhaps have a family dinner outing at a nice restaurant?

    also, please get better.

    if this problem persists you should go see a doctor, for your own good. eating disorders are never any fun.

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