
How long till it really kicks in???

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I have recently put my horse on a joint supplement to help prevent problems since he is getting older how many treatments till it starts to really help? (1 gram a day) its platform joint supplement




  1. For ANY supplement to work you need to give it at least 30 days.  You may notice some improvement after a couple weeks and that's great.  I always recommend that if someone wants to try a new product they really should give it a full 60 days to work.  Usually after 30 days you should see some change but after 60, if you still don't think it really helps then you should switch.  Joint supports need more time if there is tissue damage too.  That tissue doesn't just heal overnight.  When you get a cut and you put an ointment on it (neosporin) it doesn't heal overnight.  You have to give it time to work and patience.  You also need to make sure you are following directions.  Giving them a supplement is a daily thing.  Nothing will work if you give it to them sporadically or when you have the money to do it.  Missing a day here and there is fine but giving them a supplement 3 times a week will never get into the horses system long enough to help it.  If what youre using talk to your vet about switching and what they reccomend for your situation.

  2. The label should say how long before visible results are seen.

  3. It should be about a month before you really can see a noticable difference...If your horse didnt have a a "hitch" or look stiff, then it may be alot harder to notice since its being used at a support supplement.

  4. A Couple weeks for it to take effect.

  5. There's usually a recommended loading dose for about 2 weeks and then you take it down to the maintenance dose. The loading dose should really get them on their way. In  my experience, depending on the quality and effectiveness of the supplement, it take about 2-4 weeks. If you see no improvement by 4 weeks, consider trying something else. I've never used platform so I have no direct experience with it. I've used cetyl-m for over 2 years and am very, very happy with what it has done for my guy.

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