
How long till your teeth get back to normal colour after using Crest Whitening strips?

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How long till your teeth get back to normal colour after using Crest Whitening strips?




  1. uh i don't think they do unless you stain them all over again. if you want them darker drink a lot of coffee

  2. y would u want them yellow?

  3. In addition to bleaching solution, whitening strips are increasingly being used as a preferred tooth whitening product. For instance, you are now able to get your hands on a set of Crest Whitestrips Supreme from any convenience store. The flexible, invisible strips are coated with an enamel-safe tooth bleaching gel. To whiten your teeth, you simply place the strips on your teeth and wear them for about 15 to 30 minutes each day. After a period of about 21 days, you should be able to see a significant difference on the brightness of your teeth.

    For other effective home teeth whitening solutions, you may wish to read about them here :

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