
How long time do we have after Adan to do a prayer?

by Guest33294  |  earlier

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How long time do we have after Adan to do a prayer?




  1. The sooner the better

  2. As soon as the Adhan is over you are permitted to do prayer, Insha'Allah.

  3. The sooner you pray after the Adhaan the more reward you will get. You can however pray the prayer that is due until the next prayer time is due i.e. if the Asr adhaan has just happened, I have until Magrib to pray it (apart from Fajr when you must pray before it the sun rises for it to be counted on time).

    Don't forget, the sooner; the better. You can always make up for prayers you have missed at another time.

  4. If you wish to pray dhuhur and the time for asr has already come you must still pray dhuhur first. It's not qadha until it becomes maghrib time.

    The same idea is with maghrib going into ishaa but ishaa end time is not till morning - it's the middle of the night-ish. In any case, you must try to pray all your prayers on time.

  5. It is best to pray as soon as possible once adhan is said(or in the west when it is time for salah) Delay in salaat should be avoided at all costs. take care and all the best.

  6. Until you see the satan come out....forever.

  7. As soon as then ahdaan is over you may pray sister may allah guide all of us the the rigth path Samlemalkum

  8. As soon as adhan finished you can do your prayer so as too have more Khair (except Friday prayer )

    (1) Salat-ul-Fajr. The morning Prayer real.gif (3386 bytes)

    It is the first of the Five obligatory prayers of the can be performed at any time between the breaking of the dawn till sunrise. It consists of two raka's (two units as explained through the accompanying postures).

    (2) Salat-ul-Zuhr. The noon prayer real.gif (3386 bytes)

    It consiss of four raka's, (4 units); Its time begins after the sun declines from its zenith until it is about midway from setting.

    (3) Sa la t-ul -Asr. The afernoon Prayer real.gif (3386 bytes)

    It consists of four raka's (4 units). Its time begins soon after the time for Zuhr prayer ends and extends to just before sunset

    (4) Salat-ul-Maghrib. The evening prayer real.gif (3386 bytes)

    It consists of three raka's (3 units). Its time begins just after sunset and extends to a period of an hour and a half.

    (5) Salat-ul-lsha. The night prayer. real.gif (3386 bytes)

    It consists of four raka's (4 units) and its time begins about an hour and a half after sunset and extends to dawn.

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