
How long to get my filipina to america?

by  |  earlier

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whats the easiest and whats the fastest visa for that? we have been together for 2 years now.......please help!




  1. You heard right, a fiancee visa will take about a year from the time you apply until she gets it.  This assumes there's no problem on her end in the Philippines.

  2. Together where if she is not here?

    Your story what there is does not add up.

    First problem.

    Where did you meet, internet?

    Sounds like a cash deal and I see problems.

    If not, hire a lawyer.

  3. 2 to 3 yrs the quickest way is to let her get a visa now and get married in the states and then she can file for migratory status then U S can issue her a fiance visa.  

  4. What do you mean by "together".  If you are formally married (especially for two years), then you should be able to get a travel visa.  Don't count on it being easy, though, as sometimes they still want that person to show that they are coming back (they should have money in the bank, family ties, a job).  

    If you want to get a spouse visa, it could take several months, but this would give them a green card and they could stay.  You'd start with Homeland Security for a background check.

    US immigration is rediculous.  

    Note on last statement - be careful about getting a tourist visa and then marrying in the States - you could get into trouble for that.  There is a spouse visa for that.

  5. the fiancee visa takes about 6-12 months, but you have to be able to prove that you have met her in person within the previous two years of filing.  

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