
How long to get your license after you recieve your learners permit?

by  |  earlier

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I'm turning 15 1/2 in december, and around january i would like to go to the local dmv to get my learners permit. My question is, in the state of california how long would the whole process take, from walking in to the dmv to getting your license?




  1. in ga. after you take all your tests the dmv makes you license right there. total time est. 30-60 mins.

  2. go here u pay $40  and take the test online after they send u a blue paper ...after u have to go to that office and pay 200 and they will give a white paper ...AND dan appointment for behind the wheel they will teach u how to drive.after theyll give a yellow paper..when ur done with that u wait for 6 months and dan u go to dmv with the blue white and yellow paper to take a driving test ....thats it.

  3. until your 16 unless you get a hardships

  4. you have to wait until you are sixteen. sorry dude!

  5. Call the DMV and ask them.  They won't shoot you for asking, and they know the right answer.

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