
How long to see results?

by  |  earlier

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i was wondering if i eat lesser and do more work out, like 3 times a week 30mins each like running, pilates, etc, how long would it take to see result? flatter tummy, a little loss in weight. I've done it for a week and i'm sad that my tummy is still very flabby




  1. Good job keeping it up for a whole week.  It's hard to get into an exercise routine.  I would say that you will START to see results in about 4 weeks.  Remember though you won't have the body your looking for that fast.  It takes time to achieve results.  Stick with it and you will get there.  Once you get used to working out 3 times a week you might want to add another day or too to reach your goal faster.  Or even try doing something every other day.  Good luck it sounds like your on the right track.  Also varing your workout will get you resluts faster.

  2. you need to workout more aggressive, like doing weight training a few days per week.... reps of 10 - 12

    u need to do cardio 4 days a week for 30 - 35 mins

    u have to eat better, less carbs

    get out and play sports if u can as well!

    u can see results in 6 - 8 weeks if u are more aggressive

  3. if u take B-Fit drinks with 3 x a week exercise, i think u will see result super fast =)

  4. Good for you for exercising and eating right. You are on the right path to health.

    You should start seeing real results in about six weeks.

  5. EVERY Body takes its own time to show results.Tall boys and gals take more time to look fatter , middle height gals and boys look flabby easily.

    Be patient nothing comes in a week , try at least a month and don't get depressed if you dont see the results.

    Try kapalbhati and halasan , these 2 are much effective in showing the flat tummy

  6. Months. You need to do cardio 5 times a week, not 3. And you'll need to add weight training, like the following:

    1. Captain's chair -3 sets of 15 leg lifts

    2. Long Arm crunches - these work way better than regular crunches

  7. It can take a long time to lose weight and a lot of hard work. You need to burn 500 calories every day to lose 1 pound per week and that's not so easy.  

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