
How long to you intend on staying on Yahoo Answers?

by  |  earlier

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I've been here for two years.




  1. I've been here two days.  

  2. I've been here 10 min.

  3. probably until i am no longer needed - which could be a long time from now. I have been on since feb. of last year.

  4. til the next breather or coffee break

  5. i've been on for more than a yr and a half...but i don't come on often....only when im truly now.

  6. Why are you in the g*y section?

    That's  g*y!

  7. ....why in LGBT?

  8. i dont know.

    as long as it provides me with mindless entertainment.  

  9. A long time but going to sleep now. 2.30 in the morning! Night  

  10. um, untill i get suspended i guess.

  11. I've been here for a few months, I think. I'm not really sure; there was a period of like 3 months when I never came on, but then I came back!

  12. until it closes or i get banned or something.

  13. I DON'T KNOW; its very entertaining, sometimes the questions are funny sometimes the answers are funny, i learn things and i try to help people .

  14. As long as i have questions that are too strange or embarrissing to ask anyone else!

  15. Well, I'm in my junior year.  So once things get busy and the **** hits the fan, I'm not sure I'll be able to fit y / a into my schedule...

  16. As long as possible. It's a better place to look for friends than Yahoo chatrooms.

  17. I've been here for nearly 2 years

    but i won't be on as much as im going back to school in a week =[

    i guess i'll stay on till my account gets deleted

  18. As long as 'E Needs me lol oh god I sound even more of a Nancy now ha ha

  19. untill time runs out

  20. not long... i head back to college tomm and that keeps me busy beyond belief. thank god this is getting old and boring!

  21. Until I'm deleted. I've been here a year and three months.

  22. I'm setting a new Guinness book record for being a tool

    -not long to go now

  23. non-stop? -wow: gotta B a record !!!

  24. I've been here for less than a month.

    But, probably for a while.

  25. I've been here not quite a year, and I don't know when I'll leave. Maybe tomorrow, maybe never.

  26. a while. why was this under L*****n, g*y, Bisexual, and Transgendered?

  27. I've been here for a year and a half, and I completely intend to stay here until there are no more questions in the GLBT section that I can answer.

  28. I've been a member since Feb 12th of '06.  I was completely addicted @ first, now I just come here when the mood hits.  I don't know how long i intend on staying, but it's nice to have this place to go to for answers.

  29. I can't remember when I joined but I only started answering questions this past year.

    And so I'll stay on for awhile. It's fun and I get to see some interesting people and you. =)

  30. I've been hear a year and some ..dono how long i can i guess till i get tired of it ...

  31. umm a pretty long time...even when i get older ill probably still use it :)

    causes its fun, and can be imformative :)

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