
How long until I go back to normal from my wisdom teeth extractions?

by  |  earlier

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Last thursday, (so two days ago) I had all four wisdom teeth removed, two of which were impacted (no clue what that means.) My face is a chipmunk, and I have bruises on my jaw and holes the size of my finger on both sides of my mouth. PAIN. I can't go out of the house because my face is over-sized, I can't do anything at home because my neck hurts from being strained and so I have to keep it still, I feel useless, and always hungry because I have to eat in very small portions. I start crying every five minutes because I'm so frustrated and bored. How long until I can get out of this h**l? Until the swelling goes down and the pain stops?

Also, how long until my holes are completely healed? I'm sooo tired of this **** and I can't sleep because my face hurts so bad.


Oh, and I have an appointment next week to take the stiches out. 5 days!!! I can't survive that long!!! What can I do meanwhile???




  1. I am getting my wisdom teeth out wednesday plus 4 more , so , ok im scared, hope you feel better soon. tho.

  2. I had pretty much the same thing done to me years back.. impacted means that your teeth wont break thru the gum line or that the teeth are under the jaw bone and are bone impacted,,, (ie: that's what my were, bone impacted)   First of all  the doctor should have given you a script for pain,, like vicodin, tylenol 3 , or lortab, if they didn't you need to call them  and get one immediately if they did and they aren't working for the pain then call the doctor and tell them that.  

    The swelling is going to stay if you keep crying so try and take your mind off things,, do something that you have been putting off forever, like read that book, or write that letter to a family member you have lost touch with,,blog on the internet, or get a bunch of movies and wrap up in a blanket and get comfy on the couch.  I feel for you it does hurt... You should start feeling better in the next 24-48 hours, unless your a real wimp and cant take pain AT ALL,,get some rest so that you can heal. Cold compresses will help,

    If you dont feel like your improving and the pain is un-bearable call the hospital and have your doctor paged or the on call doctor if your doc is not on call, if you can wait till Monday and you still feel this way, get ahold of your doc immed.  Do you have any help or family support?

    In the mean time try and drink milkshakes, eat applesauce, and let someone pamper you, good luck sweetie.

  3. I just had mine out Wednesday.  I've been like a chipmunk since then, and I know how frustrating it is, but today it's gotten better.  I burst out in tears the second day home just asking my husband if he could make me mashed potatoes.  I can't open my mouth more than 1/2 inch, so I can't even see my holes! LOL!

    Try to be you have pain meds?  The day after surgery I just took them and went to bed for most of the day.  Today I've felt much better, so hopefully tomorrow you will too.  You may be ready for moist heat, which will help the blood flow in your cheeks in mouth.

    Good luck hun!

  4. Cold packs to your face should help the swelling.  Oh, and stop crying every 5 minutes, that makes it worse.  Your face should be back to normal by the time you see the doctor again, if not sooner.  The holes will be mostly healed by then as well, but will take quite a while to completely fill in.

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