
How long until Jeff hardy gets his 3rd suspension?

by Guest59424  |  earlier

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Seriously, we all know he cant kick his drug habit which is sad but its the truth. So how long will it be until he screws up again? I say less than 6 months whats your opinion




  1. this is a messed up question. you really didn't have to ask this. why not ask will he beat mvp tomorrow or something. ya know something more worth reading. jeff had a hard time with drugs. it's serious. addictions are evil and are not easy to deal with. believe me i know. just because he made a mistake doesn't mean everyone should be all over him for it. he told the world he made a mistake and said sorry...he has a lot more going for him then the other people who did drugs in the wwe. i don't see all those ppl doing what hes doing. give him that little respect at least. hes a great guy.  

  2. You can summerslam live for free at

    They have a high quality live stream that is free!!!

  3. Yes, he can.

    That's his personal life. What's it your business, anyway?!

  4. idk, he says that sine his house burned down and he lost his beloved dog Jack, hes starting over and isnt going to do that stuff anymore. i know thats hard, but i really hope he follows through with it because he's my favorite and if he gets fired again, vince told him thats it.

  5. there is no third suspension in wwe.  it goes 30 days, at least 60 days and rehab, fired.

  6. I don't want him to to get kicked out of the wwe, because of his drug abuse and stuff...I want him to stay in his career as long as he can.

    Everybody Loves Jeff, including me....

  7. How am I gonna know?

    I'm not a psychic.

  8. Dude, this sounds like an insult to me. He's not gonna get fired. He's done with drugs now.

  9. he wont get suspended he'll get released and i HOPE that doesnt happen

  10. I tihnk he has learnd his lesson.

    He's been clean.

    I know how hard addiction is

    I grew up in a family who abused alcohol.

    I may not like him, but I respect his efforts for fighting addiction.

  11. i say he doesn't do it again, he's not stupid he's knows if he gets another one it could mean losing his job and he said critics like you only make him stronger so keep say'in he'll get another suspension cuz i guran-d**n-tee you he won't

    EDIT: seem's to me like your insulting him, by saying he's going to get another suspension what no support for him.

  12. There won't be a third suspension.  If he messes up again, he'll be terminated, not suspended.

  13. So basically you're self righteous, yes?

    You've never made a mistake and repeated it. You're perfect in every way.

    Shut the h**l up.

    Jeff's made a mistake. SO WHAT? Are you going to be so arrogant and tell me you haven't? Seriously, this question is getting older and older everytime.

    He's not going to mess up again. You're not even in his shoes and you don't know what he's gone through. Leave him the h**l alone.

    At least Jeff can ADMIT when he's messed up.

  14. negative ppl suck. guess what he had a problem and he says hes gotten rid of it. u know who else did? hbk and guess what now hes clean so why do u believe hardy can't.

    besides he might be out now. reports are saying he suffered a broken neck at sd tapings last week.

  15. shut up you jeff hardy hater

  16. well when hes 2nd suspension was over he said that hes not gonna take drugs anymore so i dont know

  17. I hope he gets fired

    My reason - he sucks and is overrated.

    CM Punk too but he is straight so g*y...he looks like he does drugs

    There both emo

  18. No, not suspension, he will be fired. If your gonna insult the guy then do it right.

    I dont see why everyone hates on Jeff for drugs. He isn't the only one. MANY wrestlers have been done for dugs backstage. People just hate on him because he is big with Fans. He made a mistake, he is human and isn't perfect. Im sure you have made your fair share of mistakes. Why bash on the poor guy? Bash on Randy Orton, Umaga, Regal..ALL FOR TAKING DRUGS. Im sure you have made your fair share of mistakes too!

    And he might s***w up he might not. But he is determined to stay clean and gets tested 4 times a week. He said his house burning down and dog dying changed his out look on life. Shawn Michaels fought his why cant Jeff?

    Give the guy a chance.

  19. Dude, he wont be suspened, he's very open about it and admitts it was his fault and he is now trying to quit and if he does do it then most fnas will be disappointed and....he wont get suspended he will get fired but i doubt it  

  20. There's always TNA. They're pretty lenient on drugs.

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