
How long until global warming alarmists shift to global cooling madness?

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I give it about 25 years. The sad thing is, this is going to hit everyone in the wallet with all the unecessary regulations to offset a warming trend that will surely pass. Seriously read the link and see how often "reputable" news outlets have shifted back and forth between warming in cooling in the last 100 years.




  1. As long as ppl like you deny the obvious...

    Really, it's your denial that 'eggs' them on.

    I think I've read/heard about every flimsy excuse the deniers have made, and it really doesn't convince me that they've looked into it fairly and 'skeptics' only think they are. By now, they're stil denying info they have been exposed to. I would call that DENIAL.

  2. With all the hype I do not think they can switch soon and maintain the public trust. I have noticed that they try to plug in every phenomena into the Global warming hysteria. IE floods, droughts, hurricanes, the lack of hurricanes, record cold, blizzards, etc..., I remember when the big scare was the next ice age.

  3. A long time ago the Mayan's came up with a prediction answering your question.  I am too lazy to find the book and give you better info, but... they have recorded seven (I believe) instances similar to the one we now face, and they record the dates they happened, the time interval between instances, and the date of the next one.  It is predicted to be in 2012 (I can't remember the day or month).

    It is supposed to be a great flood causing a polar shift, ending life as we know it.

    Perhaps melting of the ice in the arctic could cause this.

  4. We're coming out of an ice age, not going into one. Global warming is going to make Greenland tropical before long. Tennessee is going to have Atlantic coastal real estate.

  5. Just keep your head in the sand. The day there are no more fish in the sea, no more birds of the air, and no more animals left. Then you will believe it.

    All of creation is built to heal when injured. Call it a cycle or whatever, it is Mother Earth Healing herself, and getting rid of the thing that is making her sick....Polluters...People...

    Take a look at the NASA website, and look up Glaciers breaking. It is happening at an alarming rate. Believe it or not, but in 25 years, this planet will not be in good shape unless we all take drastic measures now!


    - - - - - - - - - - - - - addendum

    Thumbs-down, okay with me, remember there are many excavations of "civilizations". Excavation means they are buried under the ground/sea. Buried means, the Earth, churned them under, and Healed what was harming her.

  6. dude,no way ! I give it 5 to 7 yrs. it is up to you and your family and buddies to vote gop to stop this insanity !here is some help for you.

  7. they got a taste for power and money, I give it less than 2 years for them too come up with a new scam

  8. I give global warming another 3-5 years as a hot button issue.  By then, I predict that the micro-cycle warming trend will have either leveled out or started a periodic decline (this has happened twice before in the past 150 years, and it seems to come along like clock work about every 30 years).  

    When this occurs, the AGW proponents will take one of several possible paths:

    1) Declare victory and claim that the end of global warming was due to their efforts (this is exactly what the Y2K crowd did when their dire predictions failed to emerge).

    2) Slink off in silence and become bitter old men and women (sort of like Jimmy Carter did in 1980).

    3) Move on to the next big thing to use as an excuse to strip us of our personal liberties and put the government (with them in charge of course) in complete control of every aspect of our lives (this is what the liberal elite have been doing for as long as I can remember).

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