
How long until my muscles in my arms get bigger??

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I'm 18 years old and i'm a lady. i have like no muscle at all because i've never done sports or anything like that. i've just started to eat better and try to exercise every day. if i lift those little 2 pound weights each day, how long will it take to get more muscle in my arms? and for how long each day should i lift them??




  1. Eat more protein 6x a day. Forget about weight lifting if your only gonna do 2lbers, do whatever you do regularly and it will be alot more resistance than 2lbers..

  2. it will be forever. Before you grow muscles you will have to burn the fat in your arms. You will feel your arm becoming more tender and the muscles will be soar.

    If you gradually increase the weight you lift your arms will get stronger and you will feel more muscles.

  3. The best thing you can do is push ups and pull ups.  Do as many as you can each day and do them with correct form.  

  4. You wont. you want to start with weights that are going to challenge you (not hurt and cause pain) but enough to where you feel the muscle working. Don't over do it as well. you still want to use your arms the next day. Plus, its not just a single muscle that needs work its all of them. Most of the time when your working your entire body it is the muscle you want to slim or buff up that will be the last to be fit. Not only do you need to change your entire diet but your schedule. Sleep cycle, foods, activity during the day and a gym schedule. Your cleaning and training your whole system in your body to feel better and to become better. If your mind is not in it, you wont see success in any time frame.

  5. 2 pound weights aren't going to do a thing for you hun.

  6. lift up at least a 10-pounder, at least twenty times on each arm... if your weight is 124 or less, lift the 15-pounder twenty times... and yoga helps, too... :)

  7. a lot easier way to "shape up" is to join a local sports club. even if you don't play, you can be assured in the fact that it is your first year, and the practices, altough tough, can get you into shape a lot faster and with a lot less personal motivation then working out by yourself.

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