
How long until people start to recognize the difference between...?

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0 LIKES UnLike club "components" like Maltby, Golfworks, Golfsmith/Snake Eyes and knock-off look-alikes? The versatility components offer is a breath of fresh air compared to the mass produced one size fits a few major brands.

There are great products being made by small independent companies like Toski, Maltby, and FST shafts that people don't honestly look at because they get lotted in with products trying to rip someone off with an almost-club.




  1. Hmm, well I hae to say at my work I play with 4 guys all single digit handicaps. One of them is scratch and all of us play name brand clubs. If I was a serious cyclist, I would buy the best bike I could afford. I have never met anyone BUT high to mid handicappers playing the knockoffs.

    I am not arguing the point that these clubs may be the same, but it is obviously not the view of accomplished players. Companies like TM, Nike, Cobra,ping have such huge budgets for R&D that it is really hard to believe that they do not have a edge.


    Heres my secert, I buy last years models on sale or on ebay and get them fitted at golfsmith. So when it comes down to it, for someone that plays twice a week and practices a couple more days, is the difference between a $200 set of clubs or $400 -$500 name brand name set that will actually have some resale value when the next step in technology comes along??? I think some people are more worried about the best deal and not the best club for them, IMHO

    last point I bought my taylor made r7's off of ebay last july for $445 and my handicap dropped from 12 to 8 in less than 30 days.....worked for me!!!!!!!!

  2. I agree with you. I made my clubs from components that I purchased from Golfsmith (SnakeEyes, XPC, etc.) and they are just great. They're not clones, they are orginal designs, they play great and cost a lot less than name brands.

    But, since Tiger, Phil, VJ, etc. don't get endorsed to play them, you won't see many others playing them. Too bad, they are great products.

  3. people are drawn to advertisement the more u advertise the more u sell small companys dont have the dollar for high end advertisement

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