
How long until spacers hurt

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i had my spacers put in my molars 2 hours ago and braces put on my other teeth

so far it doesnt hurt, but how long until it should? also if it gets really painful can it wake me up in my sleep?




  1. Guest31681

     I got mine, too. The spacers hurt REAL bad! I am trying to eat pills and soft food and also icecream. It will talk 2-3 days to calm down depending how you  take in and get used to the pain.

    Hope this helps!


  2. When spacers are put in, usually the very height of the pain is 24 hours after placement. Then, depending on the amount of space between your teeth,  they will be sore for 2 to 3 days, then gradually adjust.

    If it makes you feel any better, I've had mine in for 3 days now, and I know your pain.

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