
How long was Laura Bush in prison when she ran a stop sign and killed another teenager in a wreck?

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She was 17. The driver of the other car was killed almost instantly, dying of a broken neck.




  1. Not a day. She was not charged.

  2. If you are implying that she received special treatment because the DA had a crystal ball and could see that, in the future, she would be married to the president of the United States, you are insane.  She served the same amount of jail time that other people involved in similar accidents, where no drugs or alcohol were involved, serve.  

    It was an accident.  As a Christian woman, I would imagine the guilt that she feels every day is quite punishment enough.

    I am sorry for you that you have so much hatred for the president, that you cannot have compassion for the pain that she feels over this.  Clearly you need God in your life.

  3. About as long as Teddy Kennedy was in prison for killing Mary Jo.

  4. what you don't know is that the guy was her BOYFRIEND ., IS THAT A COINCIDENCE OR WHAT?


  5. Only the "little people" to go jail for things like that.

  6. It was an accident. People don't go to prison for accidents.

    It's not like she was drunk and then killed someone and then left the scene and didn't report it.

    You leftists are the pettiest people!

  7. you sure your not talking about Ted kennedy

  8. no prison for Laura....& it gets even stranger....

    the teenager was Michael Douglas, a popular athletic football star at Lee High School in Midland that he & Laura both went to. everybody adored him apparently, including Laura.

    if you google it, there are plenty of sites that suggest Douglas was her boyfriend / possibly fiance.

    his old Convair was small & she had borrowed her father's big new Chevrolet Impala for that night.

    he died at the scene, she was unhurt.

    no charges were filed, not even a ticket was written.

  9. There are two sets of laws in this country. One for the rich, who can buy their way out of anything, and one for the poor who can't even afford an attorney and go to prison for a lesser crime. Any one who doesn't believe this is a fool. I once  had a job doing psychological evaluations at a jail and saw it all the time.

  10. She got as much prison time as:

    *Senator Kennedy did for murder

    *Bill Clinton got for perjury

    *OJ Simpson for murder

  11. No alcohol involved, no charges filed.

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