
How long was your baby in 0-3 and 3-6 clothes???

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How long was your baby in 0-3 and 3-6 clothes???




  1. She was in 0-3 for 2 1/2 months and is just growing out of her 3-6 months clothes at 5 months

  2. My boys wore 0-3 months until they were about 3 1/2 months then they switched to 3-6 months until they were about 6-7 months old.  

  3. Alyssa grew out of 0-3 by about 6 weeks old. By 3 months the 3-6 was getting tight. Now she has slowed down. At 8 months she is in 18 month clothing.

  4. my last was probably in 0-3 months until 6 months and 3-6 months until 10 months if I remember right. She is now 14 months and in 6-9, some 12. she is small. but all the baby clothes are made so different its hard telling what will fit and when.  

  5. he wore preemies until he was 2months old (and he was full term) than newborns till almost 4 months and than to 0-3 till six months and some 3-6 are too big and some 0-3 are still fine he is in a limbo stage were it goes either way  

  6. All the sizes are so different it's hard to tell what size they area actually wearing. For instance my son is almost 8 months old. He weights at least 20 pounds now but that means nothing when it comes to clothing. He has a pair of shorts that are 0-3 months that fit him just fine then he has a pair of 12 months that fit him fine too and every size in between  too. In onesies he wears a medium or a large in the just one year brand but he has some gerber large one's and they won't fit him for at least a another 3-4 months probably. I'd say a majority of his clothing is 6-9 months but then again I find some stuff that is that size that is way too big or way too small. I have his whole winter wardrobe already bought and most of the stuff is 12-18 months. a few are 9 and a few are 24 though. I tried them all on him and they are going to fit just great for the whole season. Some are just a little too big and others will be great towards the end then some fit him almost perfect so he will have them for the fall. I would have to say for the most part he was in 0-3 for about 2 months and 3-6 for 3-4 months.

  7. my baby is 5 months and he is only 18 lbs and he is in 6-9 months clothes

    so .. he wore 0-3 till about 2 ish months

    than from 2 to about 4ish months he wore the 3-6 clothes

    they grow QUICK!

  8. My son only wore 0-3 for 2 months. He was wearing 3-6 months when he was 2 1/2, he was also wearing some 6 months clothes, depending where it was made.Your best bet is too get 3-6 months. It will last longer and you will get more for your buck.

  9. 0-3 from birth to about two months. Totally skipped the 3-6's. She went straight to 6-9 months, and now at barely 6 months old is wearing 12 months, and has been for several weeks.

    The sizing on children's clothes is really ridiculous.

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