
How long was your labour???

by  |  earlier

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mine was 2 hours and i had no drugs and no gas, how bout you?




  1. My 1st was 27hr labour with no drugs

    My 2nd was 10.5hr labour with the gas (which didn't offer much benefit)

    My sister in law just gave birth to her 2nd baby last week. 4hr labour and an epidural

  2. 8 hours in all...drug pain relief

    Very proud of myself!!

  3. 1st contraction started on a wed morning, had the baby friday morning but in established labour for 14 hours. Had every pain relief on offer!!!

  4. My labour lasted 27 hours, I was having 45 minute long contractions with a three minute break in between and I ended up having an epidural after 22 hours. All worth it though :)

  5. 3hrs 45min with my first and 2.5hrs with second, no drugs.

  6. 7 and a half hours

  7. 7.5hrs with all the drugs on offer...then after 3hours of pushing had an episiotomy..i was induced they started inducing at 4pm on a monday i gave birth at 11.01pm on the wed...lots of fun.x

  8. Congrats to all, next time, go through labour in water, it is fast and less painful.

  9. 6 hrs

  10. Baby No1: 4 hours all pain releif available

    Baby No2 : 2 hours no pain relief.  

  11. u wont believe

    will u?

    do u?

    i bet u wont

    ok let me tell u

    i guess forget it

    i dont wana tell

    thanxs for the 2points.

  12. 3 days!!!!! Honestly I went into labour on the 23rd of may and I gave birth on the 26th. In saying that though it was a very slow labour. It wasnt like I was in hard labour for the full 3 days. When it began I started getting contractions every 7 minutes but they only felt like bad period pains. On day two I was starting to really doubt that I was in labour because it had gone for so long and wasnt progressing so I had a visit with my midwife and she did an internal. I was 5cms dialated so was definatly in labour. Labour got hard that night and I gave birth the following day!. I had gas, pethidine and in the end an epidural. I really regret my desision to have so much pain relief as I really wanted to try a natural water birth. But hey things dont always go according to the birthing plan. I definatly didnt plan to be in labour so long! I was two nights sleep deprived and ready to run into a wall to put myself out of my misery. Seriously I considered doing that! but in the end I gave birth to a beutiful healthy baby girl. She was worth every second of it! and I would do it a thousand times over if I had to.

  13. 5 hours. Had waters broken so went straight into hard labour - was determined not to have drugs - about halfway through I gave in, declared myself a wuss and had the gas & air..and then a shot of pethidine.  

  14. i was induced on the 22 jan 08 at 7.30 am which was when they put the drip on,  at 7.35 am i started getting contractions and at 7.55 pm 11lb samantha was born i had the gas ,pethadene and last but not least the epidural and she is my first

    so thats a 12 hrs and 20 mins and the first thing i did was fall asleep i was out of it

  15. 34.5 hours of hard labor

  16. Deep sea---------- You are an idiot

    Ok back to things my labour and delivery was 4 hours and 7 minutes including the delivery of my placenta

    And half an hour of that was me running around like a headless chook trying to figure out whether my water had broken lol it took half an hour for contractions to start lol

    Oh and i had no drugs what so ever lol

  17. 6 hrs with my first (induced)

    4hrs with my second (drug free)

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