
How long were you in labor for?

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I've never had kids and don't plan on it for the next 8-10 years. Maybe even longer.Anyways, I was just really curious because now that I think about it really, labor can last forever...Ha. Ha. My mom was in labor with my brother all day long. My dad was getting surgery and couldn't be there so my aunt and my cousin were there. First they sent her home and then later that day she came back. Then had my brother. Three years later, all goes well. My dad takes her to the hospital and goes home(Don't ask). My brother is at the neighbor's. My dad isn't even home long enough to fall fast asleep. Gets a call that my mom is in labor. Rushes back to the hospital...Few minutes later here I come! My mom said it was only 30 minutes to an hour that she was in labor with me...I'm just curious.




  1. with my daughter, i was in labor for 24 hours. my contractions started at 10pm the first night, and i had her at 10pm the next night. very, very long, but well worth it!

  2. My first was 12 hours - but wasnt really bad and had no complications.  I only pushed 3 times.

    Second, my water broke in the parking lot of a grocery store, 4 hours later my son was born - no complications.  Only pushed for 5 minutes

    My third was 12 hours - we had complications but he was born healthy! Pushed without stopping for 3 minutes to get him out quick.

  3. With my first I went into labor on my own, from first contraction to delivery, it was 21 and a half hours.

    With my second I was induced, about 4 1/2 hours

    With my third, I went into labor on my own, 15 hours.

  4. 12.5 hours. I was induced and had no pain medication. The last two hours were h**l but I only pushed for about a half hour thank god!  

  5. I havent had mine yet.

    If its your first child, labor ussually takes longer tho.

  6. 23 hours from the time they manually broke my water, that is not counting the inducing with the pitosin I went in two centimeters dialated then at hour 23 they said we will need to do a cesarian, I was then only 1 centimeter, I reversed, and i was two weeks late...yeah

  7. i was induced with both my sons,

    from the beginning of the induction to birth was 28 hours with my first, 19 of hard contractions, but only 15 min of pushing thank god...

    from the beginning of the induction till they decided to finally do a c-section with my second was over 48 hours, they did the c-section when my water had been broke for 24 hours. I was having hard drug induced contractions before that for about 12 hours.  

    Thank god for pain meds...

  8. my first child i was only in labor for 8 1/2 hours i got induced with her because she was 2 weeks late, my son on the other had I was in labor with for 4 days, i went in on 11/2 @7:00am and had him 11/6@12:16am, that was horriable

  9. Well, with my first son I was in labor 27 hrs, my second son 8 and a half hrs,and my third son 14 hrs. They say labor gets shorter with each child. HA! yeah right. Anyway if I had to go through it again I would. I love my boys more than life itself. They are worth what I had to go through.

  10. From when they started inducing labor to when I delivered was about 13.5 hours.

  11. with my first i was in induced I was in labor for 11.5 hours came out on the first push with my second 10 days ago 2.5 hours less time but way more painful

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