
How long were you ladies in pre term labor before acutally going into labor?

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I'm 39 weeks and have been having contractions all day every 10 minutes and they hurt but only last about 30 seconds. I was wondering how long this is going to last. Can any one help me out or give me there experience. First time mom




  1. You are very near to the end, try walking a sweeping this will help to speed up the process, so that you can quickly welcome your new bundle of Joy. Congrats

  2. 48 hours for me!

    Good Luck

  3. I never knew when to draw the line between late pregnancy pains, pre term labour and real labour to be honest! I'd had mild contractions for about a week, but I'd say they only began getting regular and bad enough to make me bend double on the day I lost my mucus plug, that was Christmas Eve, and then I ended up having him on the 28th. I was only in labour in hospital for about 24 hours but I was 5cm when I got there and they said I could have come much sooner (and apologized when I told them I'd rang 3 times begging to come in and been told to wait!). So I don't know. Everybody is different, I had a fairly long haul, but my friend who gave birth a few weeks after I did started having contractions like you described, and 2 hours later her baby had arrived (not to want to scare you... I'm sure you'll be somewhere in between the two!). But yeah there's absolutely no way of telling how long it'll go on for, but you know the drill, hot baths, feet up, one paracetomol when it gets really bad, and go in as soon as they're less than every 5 minutes and longer than 45 seconds (I think that's what it was?). Good luck and congrats in advance!! And what a good time to have a baby... s/he'll always be one of the oldest in their school year, I always wished I was! :-)

  4. this can last hours. sorry but walking helps them and taking hot showers and letting the water run over you to relax your muscles about 20 minutes in a shower could get your contractions harder and longer.

  5. You're not really pre-term. Any time after 37 weeks is consider full term so don't worry about that.

    They could continue, getting closer, or they could stop. Just keep timing them and if you find them coming every 3-5 minutes and are lasting at least a minute then call up your doctor/midwife.

  6. I would bet that in 2 more days you will be holding you baby.  Enjoy!

  7. The same thing happened to me! I kept going to my Dr because I didn't know what to think. They would hook me up to that machine and tell me to go wait some more. It was horrible, but for me it only lasted about 3 days, then I was REALLY in labor!

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