
How long will China be able to pollute at the levels they are before they destroy their country?

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Already people there are dying from lack of clean water, polluted air, and chemicals in their environment




  1. truthfully ? until they get what ever it is that they want. tmm

    they being the government of china or they being the people of china. there is no big brother to make them stop. we have been at about two hundred years it is now their turn now. tmm  

  2. Just remember they are mimicing a western (American) lifestyle and much of what they manufacture is shipped to the US. If you truely care, stop buying cheap c**p from China.  

  3. look at your self first.true China pollutes a lot but China have over 1.3billion standard will have to get lower when is allready pretty low to lower the pollution.

    while an average Chinese pollutes only 3tons of CO2 an year an average person in the west pollutes 9 tons of CO2 americans pollutes 11 tons of CO2.You guys are really the ones polluting the earth.

  4. great, using a blog as reference...  way to go... yay...

  5. I also hope that China cleans its act all together, they are NOT the only country polluting the environment so is the US.  

  6. not sure about their over all polluting, however their cars/trucks are FAR more environmentally friendly then any in north America. Americas plan to improve within the next 10 years, will only THEN tie them with the environmentally friendly levels china's vehicles are already at today.

  7. dying is good when there are billions.  Over in the west we put people in economic jain over CO2, why, China and India release even more.  For every CO2 molecule we save China will release 2 extra.

  8. I'm hoping that the show they put on in Beijing wasn't an act and they really do care and want to improve their environmental record.

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