
How long will Dylan keep on going,,?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a fan but some of his live performances are just embarrassing- I'd prefer to remember him the way he was, or at least how he sounded circa Highway 61..




  1. I agree with you, in his birthday celebrations he was so out of it that he could not even remember the words to his own music.!!!

    A Living Legend and a musical genius.!!!

  2. I've enjoyed Dylan since 1962, and I'm not going to stop now. I went to see him at Sheffield last year, and, while I can quite understand where you're coming from, am looking forward to his next British tour so I can go and see him again.

    edit: I think he  should keep touring until HE decides he doesn't want to tour anymore.

  3. I think he'll continue until he drops

  4. not as long as us

  5. I haven't seen Mr. Dylan live before. Only his tube vids.

    And yes I hear that he has some... difficulties.

    BUT this is him. That was him then and that precipitated the now.

    He earned the right to be on ANY stage any time he wants in my opinion. He  owns music, he is was and gave his whole life for it.. And it is brilliant...

    Actually Mr. Dylan, yes should get on a stage any time he wants.

    And he should be respected. What IF, he was forced to stay off the stage or told he can't for reasons you stated?

    Would that, could that kill him faster? Like making an older one forced into a nursing home only to die there because the family or authorities didn't want the responsibility, or maybe wanted their investment protected?

    I say let Mr. Dylan take that stage ANYTIME he wants (and yes I have seen the videos) And let those that get the honor of seeing him live, and being able to say, I SAW THE MUSIC LEGEND live... Before we lose him.

    Yeah so what, old people are embarrassing, teenagers are embarrassing, middle agers are embarrassing, SAVANTS even lose it sometimes... People age, EVERY ONE...

    HE earned the right to take ANY STAGE ANY TIME... If only for HIM now... (and me if I EVER got the opportunity and I bet so many others)

    That man gets so into the music, its not about us anymore, its about HIM... AS it should be for all he gave us. I would be so honored if I was counted one to get to see his performances ANY of them, just to say I got to....

    He earned it...

    I hope he dies on that stage where he belongs in 50 years.

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