
How long will I be insecure about my post-pregnancy body?

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My daughter is 3 1/2 months now and I still don't let my husband see me without a shirt on. I've lost all but 10 of the 55 I had gained but I still feel horrible.




  1. just remember that you are beautiful , they say 9 months to get there, 9 months to get back. good luck, trust me your hubby doesnt care about a stupid 10lbs

  2. You will be insecure as long as you let yourself be insecure.  Try to think of yourself in a different light - you may not be as thin as you used to be, but you have the body of a mother, and that is a beautiful thing in itself.  What could be more beautiful than giving life to another person?  You should be proud of the badges of honor that come with motherhood -- extra pounds, saggy b*****s, dark nipples, all of it!  It's all proof that you have been part of the miracle of life!

  3. I know how you feel.  My son is almost six months old and I am just now getting to where I feel like I look like my normal self again.  There are still rough days, though.  

    What helps me is to do something.  When I am playing with my son, I will sometimes simultaneously do sit-ups or push-ups.  Sometimes I will go for a walk.  Just working out makes me feel better.

    Also, like Stacy and Clinton say on What Not to Wear, dress your body for how it looks right now, not how you think it should look.

    Another thing, try not to insult yourself in the mirror all the time.  Try to focus on the high points, rather than what still needs work.  

    I know it is a tough time for you right now, and I hope that what helped me helps you also.

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