
How long will I have braces on for?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 19, and I just got braces because I have a slight crossbite of my middle teeth and a small gap on the bottom... Approximtely how long would that take?




  1. ok, so if you have sucky teeth, then they'll be like four years. if your teeth aren't that bad, its just two years. i think you'll just have two years. it doesn't seem bad.

  2. Do you have regular braces (with the bands around each tooth) or do you have the Damon Braces? If you have the Damon braces (although everyone is different) the average is 18-24 months. So probably under two years.

    Also, if brackets come off, it'll take longer. Each bracket off sets you back several months (even longer if you are in heavier wires).

    Ask your orthodontist. He may have a better answer because it's hard to know with out all the other details about your teeth then we do. :P

  3. it depends on how your teeth is..

    like if its really bad probably for like a year or two

    if its like average then maybe a year or a little more or less


    ask yer doctor cuz he/she will kno how long ;]

  4. probably anywhere from a year to a year and half

  5. It could be anywhere from a year to three years. It depends on the person. I'll be getting mine off after a year, and my friend just got hers off after four years. Ask your orthodontics for an accurate estimate.

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