
How long will Kyle Bush be able to hold his lead when the Chase starts?

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He's going to automatically have about 50 points on the #2 man because of all his wins, but will it hold for long or be a washout??




  1. 50 points isn't nothing.  I say he will be out of first place by the second race.When it comes to the chase he has always choked.  I think when the chase begins Jimmie will be the factor.  And I am also hoping Junior will right along side with him.  I hope it comes down to the last race.  At least that will be some excitement who will win. Because I am sorry this year in racing has been a bit boring at times.

  2. i hope he's a washout

  3. All the way to the bank

  4. he might be able too. but they will be alot of hard driving in the last ten. and some teams might be holding back a little. but i can't wait to see.

  5. That's a very good question and one I have been wondering myself.

    Kyle has gone out and held nothing back. He's won races and does have a comfortable lead in the points. The thing is is everyone knows what he's got when it comes down to the chase and they know what they have to work at to improve in their teams

    I do know that there are teams that sandbag and when the chase roles around they show what they've got. Kyle is the one with a target on his back and when the chase starts   anything can happen. You'll see teams starting to drive dirty. There will be a lot of wrecks once the chase starts and a lot of tactics to try to be the one that puts a consistent driver in position for the championship.

    One wreck and Kyle can lose any points he has accumulated. That's what I hate about the chase. Anybody in the top 12 when the chase starts has a chance at becoming the next champion.

    Look at Kurt Busch. He came in 12th I believe in the points and was the first product of the chase determining a champion.

    Look at Jeff Gordon last year. He would have been a champion and was robbed. He had a huge points lead.  Not to say that Jimmie didn't drive his butt off because he did.

  6. I am so NOT a fan of Kyle Busch but he is winning and he is doing a good job of it.  I think it will be tough because there are other very accomplished drivers vieing for that same spot but time will tell.

  7. isn't the chase exciting all of a sudden.

    Jimmie Johnson is taking the cup

  8. Hopefully not past the first turn.....

    Just sayin'

    Sorry, Winter Glory. (and the rest of you Busch fans whom I might offend)

    ....No, no, no. Rick is not having second thoughts. Rick already knew how much talent Kyle possessed. That's why he hired him so young in the first place. Kyle and his attitude just didn't fit in at HMS, so he had to go. Simple as that.

  9. I say for about 3 races, let other gang up on him.

    He needs to have bad races in the mean time for it to happen.. he's too hot on a streak.

  10. He has been slacking off some!

  11. I think Kyle Busch will maintain the lead through out the Chase

    and win the Championship.

    I think Hendrick is regretting letting Busch go Big Time!!!

  12. I'm hoping he maintains it. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

  13. Kyle Busch is the type of racer that either wins or finishes 30th.  I think he will try to hard to win in the chase and will end up getting caught up in things.  Drivers like Jeff Burton and Matt Kenseth are very consistent.  They will probably not win any races, but will finish in the top 10 every week.  On the other hand, we have all seen johnson have a few bad runs in the chase, and winning 4 straight races in the chase canceled out the bad finishes.  It is hard to say.  Kyle starting off the chase 50 or so points on everyone is a big advantage though.

  14. Until they hand him the Sprint Cup Championship Trophy at Homestead Miami, unless of course he eliminates everyone prior to that

  15. actually 50 points is not that much of a bad race can wipe that out in an instant, but in my opinion.."won't happen"...Kyle has good equipment is a very talented driver no matter what anyone says..he is that good!

    I pull for Kyle as well as JR, Smoke, Harvick, Burton, Johnson, Gordan,Kennesth, Biffle just to name a few..but if I was making a bet at Vegas..Kyle is the man I want my money on!

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