
How long will USA stay as a super power

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How long will USA stay as a super power




  1. The USA will remain supreme super power for the forseable future - beyond the life time of the present young generation.

    America the Beautiful - performed by Ray Charles

    Oh yeah, nearly forgot.  America has one other thing and that is a staunch and reliable ally called UK.

    You kick USA you're kicking UK - and boy are we mean and hard when it comes to war.

    Buckingham Palace 9/11

    We will remember them.

  2. Oh , yes , a super power with millions of homeless.

    We love all this mess in the World.

    US proletariat will be a fertile soil for us.

  3. As long as we have the "United States Marine Corps"and a president with some guts.

  4. i dont see anything knockin us off the hill anytime soon

  5. Until someone is big enough to knock us off the Top Of the Hill permently !


  6. America, in the next 20 years will stop being a hyperpower and be a standard superpower.

    America has a few problems.

    * It has the greatest debt of any nation in history. Its budget deficit is crippling, and unsustainable

    *The US Dollar has been declining in value steadily. In fact several oil producing nations now want to trade in Euros not dollars. If this takes widespread effect, US is in massive trouble.

    * Demographically it has been dropping steadily since the 1950s. It has the worst healthcare system in the Western world, and education standard. It still perpetuates the idea it is the greatest democracy in the's actually 17th  

    * China is the next top dog. This isn't Americas fault, it's just inevitable. America is a country of 300 million people. China is 1.3 billion. For every 1 American there are 5 Chinese people! At the moment US technology 9military/space) is superior, but the chinese will have caught up within 10 or 15 years.

    It's nothing for the US to feel bad about, EVERY superpower rises and declines, it's fate.

  7. about the time we have to borrow money from China to give our citizens a stimulus rebate check because they cant afford food AND gas!

    ... oh wait... that already happened!!!!!

  8. Define your terms. Militarily the US will retain superpower status due to its capacity to reach out worldwide in protecting its interests, whether some of your respondents like it or not. Also, The US retains a true blue-water navy, as does the UK. Our fortune in bordering oceans does not preclude missile attack but does ensure that infantry - 'boots on the ground' - will not get here. There will be nno change in these circumstances in the foreseeable future.

    Economically, many have been predicting our fall for a long time, since the 1930's, and while China will have its day in the sun (& rightly so), it is not a matter of zero-sum. Their gain is not our loss.  

  9. "A" super power - forever

    "The" superpower - ten years

  10. The only way for it to remain top dog is for it move closer to Europe (shock horror) the USA and the EU share common principles and values - there will be countries such as russia, china and india that could challenge them, but combined with europe, especially with countries such as the UK and Germany, they will retain their position in alliance with the europeans. Americans may not like to admit they need europe, but they do.

  11. As long as we have nuclear stock pile the world will fear us because we have the weapons of the worlds destruction. Hey Never Scared all those conflicts you listed were not full scale wars and we never lost them because they were not our wars.

    We also still have the top of the world economy which is at a GDP of 14 Trillion and counting.

  12. i'm hopping that this happen as soon as possible personally and i do anything that can help this goal (peaceful help not military !)

  13. HAH! Who says it is a superpower? Especially after 9/11, people were laughing around the world. You should question if it is even a power! Losers of Vietnam, Korea, Somalia, Cuba, Iraq, the list is endless...

  14. Oh, I'd give it a year till obama gets his way with your military ;)

  15. i give it a few more years, when the petrol runs the americans will be to lazy and fat to move around without some sort of motorised platform, and then america will just stop,

    no one except americans likes america, they just don't realise that, americas the world asre, the big fat kid every one laughs at, even though you know hes a little bit strong no ones scared of him, and just keep calling fatty boom boom,

    and to the person who said america didn't lose those wars listed because they weren't "our" wars, why were you fighting in them then, they obviously were americas war, becuase you were fighting them, and you lost

    and to the person who said large educated population, erm........yeah ok  and pigs can fly

  16. As long as we want to be. And we want to stay that way.

    As far as Georgia goes, they started the war, it's their problem.

    Viet Nam - not a war, didn't lose, simply left the battlefield

    Korea - not a war, a conflict, and it is on-going,  

  17. A very long time.  Our days as the world's sole super power are numbered, but we just have to much going for us to ever fall below that level.

    Large, educated population.

    Vast natural resources.

    Stable government.

  18. the USA is no longer a sole super power, the current decline in economy, level of life is a good proof...and really who cares if your country is a super power or not. what is more important if it can provide a happy life to its citizens

  19. I'd say the USA is close to loosing its status, if not its already lost it. It can't defend Georgia, its bogged down in wars it can't win. The entire world hates its guts, its alliances mean nothing because it defends nobody, only attacks when it suits them. Has zero credibility because it attacks nations, then doesn't like Russia doing the same thing. Its economy is on the verge of recession. Its laws are 200 years outdated - hence children shoot each other at school. Its ruled by about a dozen rich businessmen who dictate political policy.  China/Europe are both pretty much superpowers anyway, in europes case its stealing the USA's trade domination. In Chinas case they are stealing its 3rd world resource revenue.

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