
How long will a Cigar last and what should i store it in?

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I just bought an 18 dollar Padron anniversary edition cigar...i'm relatively n ew to the cigar world and i'm not sure how long it will be good for if I keep in my room....I was hoping to be able to save it for about a month from now....will it last that long?..and do i need to store it in anything special or keep it at a certain temperature/humidity?...thanks




  1. OY!

    The cigar needs to be in a humidor that has been seasoned to be at about 70% relative humidity and 70 degrees.

    If you don't have one, double bag it in ziplock baggies and that should last a week or two.

    Otherwise, it will go south in a couple of days......

  2. you need to smoke it if you don't have a humidor.  I mean within a week or so.

  3. the best thing to store it in is cognac.

  4. Cigars are biodegradable and won't last forever (although I have heard stories about  100-year-old cigars). Unless you're planning to leave your precious collection to an heir, this shouldn't be an issue for you. However, cigars, if properly cared for, will last for a long time and will actually improve with age. In general like wine, cigars generally get better with age for at least 5 to 10 years. After 10 years, assuming ideal conditions, the cigars won't get any better or worse. After 15 years, many cigars begin to lose some of the intensity of flavor, but that isn't always bad. While a mild cigar will probably lose character, a cigar that may have been too strong for your tastes years before may, with time, mellow and soften to your liking

    Generally, the 70/70 rule (70 degrees/70% RH) will apply to most cigars.

    A water pillow works awesome for short term in a zip lock baggie.  

    You can bust out about $40.00 for a el-cheapo humidor with a low end humidifier and a crappy analog hygrometer!

    Word of advise: A hygrometer tells you all thats happening, even with a crappy seal humidor a DIGITAL (more accurate) hygrometer is your best friend.

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