
How long will a chicken look after her chicks?

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Mine are 10 weeks old and still sleeping under mum's wings. The mother is an exbattery hen and the chicks hatched from donated eggs when she went broody. Do I have to separate them like weaning a puppy or will they just drift of to their own lives?




  1. I think eventually she will get sick of them,but its not like with dogs,with dogs nursing a litter is hard work and takes its toll on a mother,with chickens it doesn't take as much a toll because they don't have to give up vital nutrients,I would just let them be,maybe she enjoys them :)

  2. It really depends on the hen and what she is like. Some hens continue looking after their own chicks when the chicks are almost full-grown while others chase their babies off after two months.

    As for do you have to do anything? No. While observing the chicks you should see that they are moving farther away from their mother, and you will see her doing the same. After some time they will just wonder all over the place with out her and she will go back to her old business.

    Typically the chick rearing business if over when the hen starts to lay eggs again. Some hens are stubborn and still want to rear their chicks, while other hens are in a hurry to get rid of the chicks and start a new batch. It really depends on the hen.  I really wouldn’t worry about it as it is just nature.

    Good luck and I hope this helps,

  3. untill they cross the road.

  4. Bernard Mathews probably says 5 minutes

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