
How long will a pregnancy test remain positive after a miscarriage?

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I found at a 9 weeks pregnant that I had a blighted ovum. The embryo had never developed, only the sac.

I had a D&C on Tuesday. How long will it take the pregnancy hormones to leave my body?




  1. should only for a few days... my girl was 5 weeks when she had one and it only took a couple of days....

    could you help me?

  2. after i had a miscarridge it stayed positive for about 3 weeks they advised me it can be up to a month though. sorry for your loss hun xx

  3. It will take a while for the hormones to go down, everyone is different.

  4. around 2 weeks,sometimes a little earlier.ive had 5 m/c and if your thinking of ttc soon i would(like the majority of proffesionals advise)give yourself time to  mentally and physically heal about 2 periods is 2nd one is due tomorrow and its been hard to wait but im glad i did to get my head together again.hubby is more impatient than me because he hasnt got any children...good luck!!

  5. I'm so sad to hear of your loss.

    It can take 6 weeks for the hCG to leave your system. What's important here if you're TTC immediately is that you know when the hCG is out, so that you can begin to know the reliability of HPTs again. My tip would be to get a few Dollar Tree tests (for only $1, buy a handful!) and do a test every 5 days or so. Then, once you've had a negative result, you'll know that any subsequent positive is indeed another pregnancy, not a false result. It's a cheap way to give yourself peace of mind about testing reliability. Good luck!

  6. After a miscarriage, it can take many weeks for your body to clear the pregnancy hormone hCG. and a urine pregnancy test can be positive for several weeks after a D&C for miscarriage. The length of time depends on how far along you were and what the hCG levels were at the time of the D&C, but it can take up to a month for the hCG to be positive.

    So it's normal for your urine pregnancy test to be positive for up to 3-4 weeks following a miscarriage. If you think you may be pregnant again, you could do a blood pregnancy test. If it rises, then you could be pregnant.

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