
How long will cooked meat stay good in a sealed container refrigerated?

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I never eat leftovers after 2 days. BUT I made a really good pasta pizza dish Friday night and I want to have the last of it for lunch today (ingredients: penne noodles, red gravy, canadian bacon, pepperoni, Italian Sausage, Mozzarella, Parmesan, & Gorgonzola). All my meat was fresh from the grocery ... after I cooked it on Friday I waited for it to cool and then sealed the remained up and refrigerated it. Now it is Wednesday ... Should I eat it?




  1. It will be fine for about 4-5 days.

  2. I would say it's ok, most people will tell you not to though.

    Sometimes it depends on you and how your body reacts, my husband gets food poisoning ALL the time, but me NEVER and we eat the same things!

  3. I used to argue with my mother about this. But she told me that we shouldn't waste left overs. Especially COOKED ones.

    For example, you don't know how long it was sitting on the store shelf... uncooked. Once it's cooked with spices like pepper ect. it should be pretty good.

  4. It'll be fine.

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