
How long will democracy last in the US?

by Guest58174  |  earlier

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in the beginning, it was for the people. now, it seems that the rich are getting richer, and the poor are getting poorer. how long before democracy gets corrupt? or is it already corrupt?




  1. Maybe until November. If a Democrat gets into office it will be "Welcome Socialism."

  2. Professor Alexander Tyler ... 1763 ... said that "a Democracy will come to an end when the people learn they can vote themselves money from the public treasury."

    There is a 200 year cycle of Democracy which goes like this:

    Bondage to spiritual faith

    Spiritual faith to great courage

    Great Courage to Liberty

    Liberty to abundance

    Abundance to Selfishness --- This is where we are today

    Selfishness to Complacency

    Complacency to Apathy

    Apathy to Dependency

    Dependency back to Bondage.

    Listen to this podcast from a local radio show here in Conservative Cincinnati from yesterday...  about 1/8 the way in is a great place to start....

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