
How long will humans last?

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Seeing as how the dinosaurs had a good run - 200 million years... surely a more intelligent (although psychotic) creature like the human being can do better than a giant lumbering lizard with a pea sized brain in its butt?




  1. Our super intelligence does indeed lead us to an earlier self destruction. We have the ability to seek answers, but when we really reach our full potential, whatever that may be, then the human race will be no more. Not cynical, but inevitable.  

  2. you will never no  

  3. until the trumpets will blow

  4. Wait and watch.....

    probably they will leave earth after some 200/300 years....

  5. about 100-200 years

  6. 4 ever until earth blows up  

  7. As long as God allows us to.

  8. 100 years max, many earth supplies are disappearing and with the all global oven thingy we are gonna burnnn on earth!, well hedlist there wont be a creepy guy with hornes whos in charge of everything....... omfg!!! bush... runnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

  9. not all humans are smart enough to survive.

    i think we will die off soon enough because not enough people care about the planet we live on.

  10. i think we gonna be here for a while, some will die and some will be born, i know they working on removing the sun rays to hit earth, i actually wonder when is humans gonna go live in space

  11. Well, if we avoid killing each other, and dysgenics turns out to be false, then I'd say we have a few thousand years left.  I say this because of my personal belief that we, as primarily a tool-using species, as a tool to help speed the progress of evolution (along similar lines as sexual reproduction, multicellular organisms, etc) and that it is our job to further it ourselves.  As such, once we create the first intelligent self-replicating machines, we will have served our purpose and can peter out into non-existence.  Either that or we will eventually upgrade our mental and physical abilities so much that we will no longer be human.

    That is, or course, if we don't kill us all completely off or nuke us back to the stone age, or if dysgenics turns out to be true (as it looks that way) and we all devolve back into glorified monkeys.

  12. IMO our intelligence is our greatest strength and our greatest weakness. We've moved from a survivalist creature to an evolved being that manipulated anything and everything no matter the consequences for personal gain.

    And for that reason, I can easily see us killing each other off within the next few hundred years, even though we are well adapted enough to survive much much longer.  

  13. As soon as a meteor strikes earth we r gone for good.

  14. Till The End of World War III, where some idiot leader use their nuclear bomb way too much.

  15. i think loss of the planet is going to wipe out the humans

    iether from destroying the o-zone (im not a eco freak by the way)

    or a huge war is goiing to cause world destruction through nuclear bombs


    thats what i think

    or the daleks are going to invade

  16. Bamma say he hope you right. Bamma say early to bed. Bamma say man not as smart as you think. Bamma say man so selfish he no care if future generations die. Bamma say live for today. Bamma say dog eat dog. Bamma say Ted know this. Bamma say human race like to gamble. Bamma say he gamble he lose. Bamma say look at leader of United States. Bamma say there your pea brain in the butt. Bamma say enjoy what you have left. Bamma say super genius die soon. Bamma otta know.

  17. until we die

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