
How long will i have to wear braces to fix a gapped front tooth?

by  |  earlier

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its pretty big




  1. i had a big gap in my front teeth and it went away in the first few days i had braces.

    it hurt REALLY bad though.

    but then after you close the gap, the rest of your teeth have to shift into the right spots because extra room is created.

    so not too long.

    i had mine on for 3 years but i had a bad over bite and other things were wrong.

    but for just a gap i would think around 6 months.

    teeth shift rather quickly but it would take awhile to straighten everything else out.

  2. i had a pretty big gap inbetween my two fromt teeth too.I had to wear my brace for quite a while before it made any progess.Besides wearing braces i hade to wear a chain and tons of rubber bands.After wearing my braces for 2 and a half yrs. i now have no space between my front teeth and all my teeth are perfectly straight!so youll prolley have to wear you braces for 2 to 3yrs.

  3. Month

    3 months tops..

    teeth are like bones they do take time

    but when you get them of be sure to wear you retainer all the time for about 4-6 months

    if you dont wear them you will have to get braces again!

  4. well my front teeth were like |/   and they made the gap with a spacer and then the gap closed with the braces really fast! but it is so hideous i hat gaps!

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