
How long will it be before I get my first REAL letter from my bf in USMC boot camp?

by  |  earlier

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He's been there for a full week. His parents got a typed letter saying he got there safe and what-not. But I haven't gotten one, I haven't gotten anything. One phone call for 5 minutes but thats it. When will I be able to get my OWN personal letter?




  1. Don't be too hard on him-he's pretty busy right now. He is required to send a letter to his parents-no choice.

  2. yea his parents will get all the official ones because they are his parents.

    you will get one whenever he has a chance to write you one - he is busy ya know.... if he has only been there a week then you will be alright, things will get rougher.

  3. The first "real" letter we got came after he had been gone for 2 1/2 weeks.  They stay so busy and when they had free time, the Drill Instructor gave them a list of things to do, so it took a while before he had time to actually write a letter.  Stay patient, and be writing him.  It's so important that he receive mail.  Tell him how much you miss him, how you are proud of what he is doing for his country, etc...

  4. Whenever he writes you one.

  5. It takes a bit for them to get settled and for them actually being able to send off mail. My boyfriend is at basic for the army. Don't worry though, you will get one soon =) They are pretty much runing around like chickens with their heads cut off. Just be patient. Then the letters shuold start flowing in.

  6. he could have sent if off already. it may take a week or so. it all depends on when he writes it. the first 4 days are all admin. and on friday they get picked up by thier drill instructors.

  7. I live here at Parris Island, and if that is where is right now... I know recruits are allowed to go around the base on Sundays for a little free time, so Sundays are probably his only chance to write and call, so it may take a little bit. I go shopping at the PX every Sunday and they are always eating lunch on the picnic tables outside during their free time, so if he isn't doing that he should have the time to write.

  8. trust me he is WAY too busy the first couple of weeks. being that you are not married you didnt get the "form letter".  they do not have much time off and when they do get some time off there are other more important things to get done.  keep writing,,it means ALOT more to them than it does to you.  try and stay positive and keep writing.  as basic goes on, he will "earn" more free time and might be able to write.  i know when my hubby was in basic when they got time off they slept (high commodity), did laundry, polished things, and did other things that at the time were more important.  try and keep your head up,,,sooner or later you will hear from him, just try and remember that he is very busy, very stressed out, and very tired.

  9. i got my first letter from my bf at usmc boot camp at about week 3. it takes a couple weeks for them to get the actual least for my bf. remember, the first few weeks they are still processing and getting settled into the boot camp life. he will write when he has time, which isnt much. just hang in there, be patient, you will get mail soon.

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