
How long will it be before Phelps is accused of steroids?

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Or HGH, or some other performance enhancing drug? Please don't take my question the wrong way, I am not accusing him, I just have a feeling it wont be long before the media brings this up. Remember Floyd Landis and the Tour de France...




  1. Hopefully he won't be. I strongly believe that he is a man of amazing talent.

  2. Another sore loser chinese fan.... tisk tisk

    he is the ultimate swimming machine- ACCEPT IT! don't believe me? check out his gold medals! Olympic history!

  3. Phelps owns swimming stop sipping that hateorade!

  4. Such harsh responses...

    I think he probably will be accused. Because that's what people do. They accuse everyone of everything. I personally don't think it will amount to anything.

    But hey, I'd rather them be safe than sorry.

  5. Before each race (and sometimes after) they have to check athletes for steroids or other drugs. So really, they can't sneak by that. They are checking constantly to make sure it's fair.

  6. i dont think he will be, he is just naturally a very talented swimmer,

  7. Don't hate that Phelps owns the swimming competition.

  8. Probably never.

    They test too rigorously for steroids and HGH during the Olympics.

    If he's using steroids, he would've already been accused, he is tested after every gold medal / WR bout.

    However, the most promissing test for HGH can only detect it little more than 48 hours after use, but HGH is generally used to promote growth and there would be no point in using it in the onlympics.

    So yeah, I AM accusing him of using HGH, but that's an irrelevant matter of speculation; to answer your question, NO, he will most probably never be accused.

  9. i think michael phelps has used steroids.

    everyone thought marion jones was the best female runner ever; she too won many gold medals.  

    she's now in prison because she lied about having used steroids.

    all highs, end with a low.  michael phelps is on a high right now.  that's how the world works.

  10. Watch Michael Phelps videos at Beijing 2008 Olympic swimming finals below

    Complete collection of 8 Gold Medals Videos

  11. He runs - or swims - on pure talent. Americans are very talented. Stop accusing cuz your team isn't winning!

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