
How long will it be before evolution phases out the males of the species?

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How long will it be before evolution phases out the males of the species?




  1. Won't women disappear as well? Won't we all become asexual?

  2. Can't happen through evolution.

    Evolution requires reproduction.  Without males, natural reproduction of our species cannot occur, so evolution of our species in that direction cannot occur.

    Of course, through technological means, we may be able to eliminate the need for males for reproduction (although we males may still be kept around by our female slaveowners for purposes of opening jars, or wearing tight-fitting outfits during sporting events).  

    But technological elimination of the need for males is not evolution.

  3. It already has in some species.  Cnemidophorus uniparens is a lizard in which males don't exist.  The females reproduce parthogenically  You can find a pic of the animal at the source listing below.  The trouble with this is that you don't get the mix of genes that you do in a sexually reproducing population of animals.   So long as conditions are stable, the "L*****n lizards" as they're sometimes dubbed are fine.  Let there be a lot of quick changes (ecologically speaking) and a sexually reproducing population with  lots of gene combinations will likely outsurvive a parthogenic producing one.

    That's why a good portion of the earth's organisms are sexually reproducing ones.  The ones that aren't obligate sexual reproducers often have stages or phases in which they will exchange gametes with other members of their species in some manner.

    BTW - Cnemidophorus uniparens is not the only species in which this has happened over time.

  4. Won't happen.  Sexual reproduction is extremely beneficial in the long run, so there is selective pressure to keep both sexes around.

  5. This guy claims 5000 generations, or about 125000 years ...

    Most of the other stuff on the web about this issue just references or parrots his work.

  6. Sexual reproduction is the best way to maintain diversity and hence biological vigor in a species.  Therefore, assuming evolution selects for the "fittest", then sexual reproduction will remain and increase.

    However, I am guessing you are just saying this because your boyfriend pissed you I right?

  7. Well, seeing as evolution is completely blind chance, you never can know, can you?  

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