
How long will it be before the UK has a racial revolt

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I don't want to sound racist, but I feel this question needs answering.

Most shopkeepers and taxi drivers are Asian.

Most security guards and cleaners are Black people.

Our hospitals are full of Asian and Black workers.

Building sites are full of Eastern European workers.

The true, pure English person can not find employment because of this.

The UK Government is stopping the benefits of the true, pure English people while encouraging immigrants by offering houses, benefits etc..

How much longer before the true, pure English people revolt and cause problems for the immigrants, or start racial revolt?

I know this is a very non PC question, but I feel it needs to be asked.




  1. The treasonous USA government HAS allowed a foreign invasion!!! It is all part of the New World Order plan for the elite to have complete power and everyone else will be peasants.And most citizens are completely in denile of it.

  2. dont get me wrong, i am NOT A RACIST... but i am thinking of starting one. I'm sick of them. They come into our country, steal our jobs, go on benefits, spend taxpayers money. Im fed up.

    I've been lookin for a job for over 3 years and cant get one... because the illegals are stealing them all, go to the jobcentre.. take a look. Im a geordie so forgive my cruelty, but its serious. I think they should p**s off back to their own country if they dont like it here.. cos they complain all the time... me no get paid much.. well **** off and let US ENGLISH PEOPLE have your ENGLISH job...

    sorry im just angry... my best friend is asian, and she also stole my previous job ahahaha...  

  3. Small scale like the Brixton riots or Poll Tax revolt, anytime soon.  Our leaders have so much to lose that they will panic and do whatever it takes to quell any large scale revolts.  They also have all the firepower and funds to keep the poor quite rich currently.  Many of the 'true English' left from recently to long ago becoming Americans/Canadians/Ozzies/Kiwis/African whites you name it.  They don't tend to revolt either, they tend to make the best of what they have to work with.  The competition for every kind of work now is intense, we don't know what will happen w. the economy because no government ever allowed such an insane credit boom before but I wouldn't put my money on revolution until/if it becomes the second full-blown Depression.  Then I'm off to Ladbrokes!

  4. The parliament people or whatever want the U.K. to be seen as a very mixed culture country. So I think their secret plan is to get loads of foreigners in so there are loads of people with different backgrounds in the next generation so the U.K. seems more multi-cultured. If they are doing that, the U.K. is already multi-cultured enough for crying out loud!

  5. I think you are on to something.  I watch these "football hooligans" and can't help but wonder what's going to happen when these guys have had enough.  Who's going to stop them, the army?  

  6. security officers- i am a white british female my boyfriend is British and black we are both SIA badge holders and work in security BUT the pay is £8 hr for a 12 hr shift, you dont get sick pay and you dont get holiday pay and have to work 48hrs plus overtime plus bank holidays are a normal days pay

    Companys are paying low wages so foreigners take the work as they are prepared to work hard and not moan or winge

    they all live to gether to cut down costs and hellp each other out

    some of us 'BRITS' wouldnt even help our own mothers, i dont really see what youre getting at

    if you think about it people come from other countries because the government allow them to


  7. yes! bloody foreigners!  

  8. Ok well I have so much trouble with this one, cause I have such a mixed personality - one side is that everyone has equal rights, we do not really own the UK, we have no right to it...on the other, large, mickey mouse sized hand, assuming we have earnt the UK through centuries of fighting for it, people from other countries come here and take all the benefits while we cannot go to their country or we might be killed. I think people who live here should learn the language, respect our culture etc and then can be welcomed as British. I'd expect myself to do so if I moved to another country.

    Meanwhile, I'd like to say I don't really believe in racism - if I say I am not racist I automatically am as it is likely to be followed by but...If I don't address it I am. People often think racism is just towards people who aren't white, which is not true, also.


    "You do sound racist, GOD made everyone equal. And if you can't get a job, don't blame it on someone else."

    Shame not everyone believes in God then, eh, cause that kinda ruins that idea...

  9. I'm very sorry to hear you cannot get a lowly paid job that is the reserve of immigrants. you must be highly educated and is therefore lucky to have a top job and reap such rewards.  why are you so worried about those on the bottom run of the ladder who are honest working tax payers holding up the bottom end of your proud country.

    OR, are you also poorly educated who wasted his time in the free educational system at your disposal? maybe you now spend your time having children you are not able to support but is fortunate enough to gain benefits from the system that those non-English immigrants support.

    good luck to you.  you now have free time on your hands to take benefits and ponder your future; of course you have not taken responsibility for your past.  whilst those poor people got off their unlucky asses to make it to a land they call opportunity try their hardest and will easily surpass the no-brainers like yourself.

  10. This is a very good question, and it really has me thinking.  I will say that based on where I live, the answer is no, that will never happen.  I say that because I live in a part of the United States that has the highest population of Arabs outside of the Middle East, and people here just look the other way because everyone wants to get along and not make waves.  Some parts of our state have signs that are in Arabic first and English second, but again, no one has ever said anything.  I live in the northern suburbs, and my neighborhood is fully integrated with blacks, whites and Hispanics.  Again, no one says a word.  Today I went into a store and all the signs have been changed and are in English and Spanish.  We have open borders and the illegals are coming in droves and getting the same benefits citizens do, but no matter how much we complain, our lawmakers in Washington do nothing.  So again, the answer is based on my experience a revolt will never happen.

  11. SOON

  12. As soon as we can be bothered to get our fat asses off the sofa and do something about it.

    I couldn't care less what race you are if you take the pi** be prepared for the consequences.There is a big festering boil in this country and it has to come to a head.

    All those that try to play it down are scared sh**less of the truth thats all. no good burying your heads thats why we are in this mess in the first place

    All the name calling in the world will not change that.

  13. I agree to a certain extent...that if people want to come to our country then they should show they have a profession that our country is short of!

  14. Your question does not "need" to be asked.  Race riots involve severe property damage, loss of income to law-abiding persons of any race or nationality, and injury and even death to innocent people.  The total  cost to the taxpayers would be in the tens of millions of pounds.  Please don't tell me that you want riots to happen.

    When you say "true" and "pure" English people, you must be talking about the mixed-race English after the five successful conquests (starting with the Romans) that took place in Britain.

    The fact that you associate with foreign and non-Caucasian women does nothing to mitigate the xenophobia of your question.

    In answer to your edit, I didn't say you were racist.  I said you were xenophobic.  You may not have read my profile.  I'm Christian, not Pagan.  I lived in Taiwan for many years, and "pagan dan" (Chinese for "bacon and eggs") was my usual breakfast and my pen name.

  15. "Forgot to say.. my ex-wife was Black Brazilian, my last girlfriend was from Czech Republic, and my current girlfriend is Guyanese."

    Hold've been depriving true, pure English girls from becoming your girlfriend by befriending all this foreign scum? Is this the reason there's so much family breakdown nowadays, because people like you aren't letting true, pure English girls have true, pure English babies and husbands? Shame on you.

    Which source says that some English people have trouble finding employment? It's only that they don't want certain jobs; shopkeepers own their own business, English people are at liberty to open their own corner stores if they so wish. There are plenty of English builders, albeit a greater proportion from Eastern Europe too. So to say that English people cannot find employment is rubbish.

    Mind you, NHS midwifery departments are seriously under-staffed at the moment, I should know as my wife complains all the time about having to make do with low resources. If you know any English people who would like to become a midwife, please encourage them to do so, it would greatly ease the strain.

  16. Australia had riots in response to many racially motivated attacks by Lebanese heritage thugs.  There will be more of these in western countries.  The media and the lefties will try to control it by calling people like you racist, but there will be a breaking point.  Forcing people into political correctness doesn't solve the problem.

  17. the only possible reason for this is ofcourse child poverty, children not doing well in school, cant be asked attitudes and hooliganisms.

    If the children are properly educated and disciplined then we might see a difference.

    60 years ago children here were probably well educated than any where else in the world but look at the situation now -Compared to China or India, the average kid there studies more than one here!

    Those immigrants are hard working people too. They pay their taxes and hence we get free health care and schooling etc.

    I was born and educated here and now Iam a well qualified doctor. If i can why can't others do the dreaded thing - Try?

    Its just a matter of fact whether we can be bothered to these jobs or not.

    This world is a small place. With the increasing population theres bound to squabbles etc. This is mankinds nature.

    in a few decades we'll have to live under the oceans!

  18. Since the number one name for baby boys in the UK is Muhammed, I think you have bigger problems than worrying about race issues.

  19. security guards and cleaning jobs are rubbish money but someone has to do work is not good money considering the amount of effort that has to be put in, years of exams etc. building sites builders always have to follow the work remember auf wiedershien pet in the 70s brit in germany

  20. We already have had racial tensions in this country and mostly for the wrong reasons. Yes the level of immigration does have a detremental effect on the employment market for UK national citizens.

    You are correct when you say that our Hospitals are employing cheap foreign labour and to some extent that of the building trades does reflect a large increase in foreign workers since 2005 again forcing down wages for those who were born here.

    Yet I hope and pray that we never have a race riot in this country ever again. We need to project our anger at those responsible and not at people just trying to make a living. The ones who cause the problem are the politicians who pander to foreign relations more so than domestic issues.

    By addressing the problems of the UK and the citizens of the UK is not racist. Blaming the foreigners is racist and the likes of the BNP who use knee jerk reactionary techniques only fuels the problem.

    We can do something and that is for the entire country when upon receiving their ballot papers for the next general election is to post them back to Westminster and a note saying that none of the parties are worthy of a vote. see my web site page 2 for further details.

  21. You do sound racist, GOD made everyone equal. And if you can't get a job, don't blame it on someone else.

    These people?? Soundz racist to me.

  22. Isn't it ironic that the very same country which introduced the concept of illegal/legal immigration in the world is now troubled by the same?

    You know, all 'markets' are rational and just over time. There is a demand and so there is a supply. The world is not conspiring against you so stop whining.  

    It is clear that so called 'pure' people are not ready/eligible to take up some jobs which are filled by Asian and Africans. So the situation is natural. If you have so much of issue, why don't you ask government to devaluate your currency. Most of the people will go back to their countries. But oh, that will make your imports (Oil, cloths , machines, services) extremely costly. And since UK doesn't produce much anyways (Specially without immigrants) how will the country survive?

    P.S. Instead of revolting why don't you immigrate to countries like India? There are lots of jobs there if you are decently educated.

  23. Welcome to liberal England. Did you know that a Muslim Cleric in England said it will be easy to enact Sharia Law whenever they are ready because the government has taken away all the weapons from the citizenry? He said they won't be able to stop us. Think about that.  

  24. Seems Big Brother is doing well in the UK

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