
How long will it be before the libs start making fun of Palin's Down Syndrome baby?

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I'm guessing Bill Maher will start it off in a day or two




  1. They'll chastise her for not practicing eugenics.

  2. Yeah -8 hours and counting.

    Everyone was very careful not to attack Obama's children and concluded they were cute.

    Dems jumped all over Palins kids claiming all kinds of rediculous c**p. They should really be ashamed of themselves.

  3. SHUT up! NO ONE will ever make fun of a special needs baby! That baby didn't do anything to ANYONE!

    No one is THAT cruel! Except you for asking

  4. oh please.

  5. That's what neocons do.

    joe: They have this one:,2933,3356...

  6. FoxNews is not considered "liberal" but rather "Fair and Balanced"

    They started the discussion way back in March.

    Take a look:

    From Fox News - she "doesn't look seven months pregnant",2933,3356...

    EDIT - I guess they are not so "Fair and Balanced" after all because they pulled that item off!

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    Here's a place that continues to carry the item that Fox pulled:

  7. oh come now, even the republicans wouldn't do something so obscene so why would the dems?

  8. Some of the Obamanoids already have on Y/A.

    Someone who would stoop to that level has no class.

  9. they already have

  10. You must be new here.

    It started about five minutes after the selection news broke.

    Roughly 4 minutes after the first post about how irresponsible she was for not aborting the child.

  11. are you kidding they have started days ago!

  12. It took them about an hour on here.

  13. Don't be ridiculous.  Many of us are parents ourselves.  The child himself has nothing to do with our problems with her actions and judgment (or lack thereof).

  14. This is such an ignorant question.  Dems are the good people.  No one but you will even address that issue.  It's a personal matter between two parents.  It's not for us to discuss or even think about.   Yes, I'm an Obama backer.  Funny thing is, half you people on YA aren't even old enough to vote.  The other 30 percent are people that are voting for whoever your husband, friends or Preacher told you to vote for.  Good thought there.  And the other 20 percent are well educated and informed individuals that take their one vote seriously.

  15. Like how long will it take for someone to inacurately assume.... oh it just happened.

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