
How long will it be before the media backtracks and tries to tear up Palin for being a breastfeeding mom?

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They will throw their female agenda right out the window because only liberal women deserve such good treatment from CNN and MSNBC I guess




  1. Only if the Giant Fetus she breastfeeds is Old Half-Dead McCain.  

  2. That would be a GOP ploy not a Democratic one.  Breastfeeding is natural, healthy and inexpensive like solar  power or other environmentally friendly energy.  The GOP wants Americans to buy Big Pharma's chemically based formulas so they can make big profits and campaign contributions and BTW, stop flashing your b*****s in public, you Satanic s***s.

  3. Why would it be bad to be a breastfeeding mom? That's how babies are supposed to eat. I can't imagine anyone would make a big deal out of it.

  4. In about 5....4....3....2.....1...

  5. They are already criticizing her for "leaving her down syndrome baby to become a running mate". I thought the dem party was the one who kept saying that women can have it all. Palin represents everything they stood for but now they are attacking her.  

  6. I'm thinking the ethics violation will be a bigger concern than what she does with her b*****s.  However, if you would rather talk about her b*****s, by all means continue. I just don't think they have any bearing on the election.

  7. Only a professional scumbag like Karl Rove could figure out a way to turn that into a bad thing.  He could make breathing a crime.  

  8. Yeah..Her breastfeeding her children is a really big issue..Im for obama all the way but c'mon...whats ur point?

  9. Dont worry its coming.  Shes too all american self made and generally fantastic to go uncriticized. They will be all over her haircut, glasses and sense of fashion.  Since her politics are too solid for them to go after.

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