
How long will it be for smoking cigarettes be illegal?

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How long will it be for smoking cigarettes be illegal?




  1. How long will it be before smoking cigarettes is illegal?  Things do seem to be headed in that direction.  However, you would think that people would have learned from prohibition.  I realize that smoking is not good for you, but I also am filled with trepidation as people seem to feel free to judge how people live and to make their lifestyle choices for them.  

  2. people cant realy get over it since its addicting (i dont smoke)

  3. probably not long.... more and more places are passing smoking bans. They passed ours 2 years ago.... no smoking in ANY public place inside city limits. Restaurants, bars, bowling alleys. As a sucks.

  4. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...


  5. Too long. Smoking kills way too many people, it should already be illegal.  

  6. How could the government ever make smoking illegal, they get too many tax dollars allowing it to continue (just like they do alcohol).

    Fascist regulations for our own safety should be prohibited, our governments should not be in the business of removing our personal choices. If unchecked, every human activity could potentially be legislated from the type of music we listen to all the way to what we eat.

  7. Hopefully soon.

  8. it will never happen since when the goverment of each state needs money, the first thing they tax is cigarettes, and since they put that disclaimer on the package,theyre safe since we know the consequences

  9. prob long time

  10. Give it a few years and that law may well be sneaked in - however both selling them and gaining taxes from them will be omitted from the bill.

    I'm a smoker and have been for 28 years, and don't give a monkeys hoot what the law says about what I can or can't do in my own home.

  11. Not soon enough.

  12. Not soon enough  

  13. Never, like the alchohol ban that never took, it will probably get to the point where smokers can only smoke in their homes or on their premises, but I do not think it will be banned all-together. Heck, they have a new law now that smokers cant smoke in cars with minors as passengers...that's a good law, I think. I remember when my gramma smoked with me and the cousins in the car, that's messed up. And I never understood the whole "smoking" and "non-smoking" thing in are still in the same darn building! Lol Seriously though, they might as well try banning alchohol again if they are gonna try to ban ciggarettes. People die from alchohol all the time too, but it's still around......

  14. Hopefully it will never happen. The reason I say this is because organized gangs will step in and the bootlegging will start back up like in the 1920s and 1930s. $20.00 a pack will be a common price. People are hooked just like alcoholics.

  15. well i think it should be illegal soon. whenever i smell cigarettes it gives me a huge headache and i can't breathe. Sometimes it makes me feel so dizzy. I believe that i am allergic to it. So they should ban it because it not only affects the person smoking it but everyone around them.

  16. Hopefully that will happen soon.  Smoking is just as dangerous to those around the smoker as it is to the smoker.

  17. Honestly, never. Too many people use them, and if made illegal, there would be a huge riot. At one point, alcohol was illegal. They changed the law because it caused more trouble than it was trying to keep away. To many people refused to accept the law.

  18. I don't believe they will ever be illigal.

    I think all these laws against public smoking is rediculous and I'm not a smoker! I mean seriously, I can understand banning it at family restraunts but there are bars that have banned it!! I mean wtf!? that's where it should be that people can smoke instead they're making people go outside so that people walking by have to smell it? that doesnt make any sense at all! People can choose to go into a bar and risk having to smell the smoke but when they're just walking by they have no choice but to have to inhale the second hand smoke...

    I think it should be okay that people smoke in bars and other non-family restraunts..

    As for the question about it being banned completly I don't think that'll happen... I mean people have the right to choose whether they risk their lungs for lung cancer or not, that's their choice and I mean it'll be just like how weed is illegal, people will still smoke them! They'll just have angry people complaining...

  19. smoking will never become illegal . although it's a disgusting habit cigarettes contribute hundreds of millions of $$$ to the economy , from the revenue the tobacco farmers make , to the money the dr's make from the diseases people acquire from their nicotine habits .  

  20. Hopefully soon, If you started smoking at 18 until 65 and smoked a pack a day you would have spent 86K at $5 a pack. If you invested athat same money starting at 18 in an agressive 401K you'd be a millionaire at 65! Think about that.

  21. never, because our senators are addicted to to tobacco kick backs as much as the users are  

  22. hopefully soon

  23. the gov will never make smoking illegal they make way to much money on them  like a dollor a pack goes to the fed gov and state taxes vary so why would they out law them???   youll see pot legalized before cigarettes are banned.    

  24. hopefully never....cancer :(

  25. The same amount of time it took for drinking to be illegal...

    NEVER.  Don't hold your breath.  (get it?  ha-ha-ha)

  26. well....if they banned alcohol in 1929 or whenever it was...prohibition, anything is possible, but as a smoker myself....I am hoping the government wouldn't infringe upon my freedom to have a tobacco product.

  27. This will never happen.  it has become such a big habit in this world that outlawing smoking would be like prohibition. even if they outlawed it a few years it would do the same thing alcohol did between the 18th and 21st amendment.

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