
How long will it be until global warming has totally taken over?

by  |  earlier

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and what can i do to help out??




  1. What do you mean by "take over"? It's not some foreign, military adversary bent on world domination.

  2. forever it won't happen

  3. There is no indication that "global warming" will take over natural climate changes.  It may be that we added CO2 to the atmosphere that raised the temperature a half degree or so but that doesn't mean we are causing it to warm.  Natural fluctuations are greater than that.  You don't want to help out.  You don't want it to cool.  Warming has always been beneficial overall and cooling has always been catastrophic.  There is no indication that simple truth will change.

  4. well if you haven't noticed it's taking over now and the government is trying to stop it along with the gteenhouse effect by making eco friendly cars and electronics

  5. It's here, and even if we did a bang up job of cleaning up our act it's going to get worse before it gets better.

    What can you do to help out?  Become informed.  Empower yourself by learning what you're up against, and challenging the skeptics that remain.  Their numbers are shrinking, and in any case governments worldwide are hard at work trying to identify viable solutions.  Many universities have their best and brightest involved in working on solutions to this calamity.

    And do your best to live sustainably, and to reduce your ecological footprint.

  6. Yesterday was the day of no return.

    We've hit the burg and are taking on water.  Those at the top are still mixing their drinks with the ice off the burg and shuffling deck chairs.

    Our shouts from below deck are being drowned out by the engines.

    Hang on for now. Big changes are going to become more frequent from now on.

    Mother nature is bigger than all our interventions She will give us the old dinosaur fix. We'll all go out with a whimper. Say a prayer and enjoy what you have today.. Tomorrow will take care of itself..

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