
How long will it be untill we cant drive unless we are super rich?

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How long will it be untill we cant drive unless we are super rich?




  1. That is what the Left is propagating .

  2. I cant drive now, and im working. i would have to wait till friday, to put gas in the truck. Hope they make up their mind about the price though.

    There should be one price and stick to it.

  3. 2 years - $5 /gal.  Hurricane this year would send prices up to $6 / gal.

  4. Probably this weekend. I heard it's going up to $4.00/gal!


  5. Open your eyes, it is already happening.

  6. ...or super intelligent...


    or do a Search on the ev gray electric motor.

    Shondra, do you really believe $40 per week is a GOOD thing?

  7. It is close and I live in France.

  8. I Kno Some Body In Macon Missouri Is Building a electrict car that can Go From Washington dc 2 los angles And Back with Out Having the Batteries beign charged If U Want More Info Please Email :

  9. the easiest thing for people to do, although some don't want to, is trade your cars in for electric powered cars, most EV's do not require gasoline at all so the only thin g you have to pay for is the electricity, which is only about $0.02 per mile, and electric cars get the equivalent of about 120 miles per gallon (i know it says "per gallon" but it is just the equivalent of. there is no such thing as gallons of electricity)with this new innovative technology, the "Gas Giants" (oil companies) will lose their ower which is something that needs to happen for the economy. such an act will cause the money going to gas companies to decrease rapidly and the people will have more money for themselves to stimulate the economy with and help us out of this recession. think about this kids, it's a serious matter.

  10. Sadly, I am gonna say end of summer, because gas will go down fast with cottagers making long trips, fueling boats, and using huge trucks to drag trailers.  And I can't see an alternate fuel source coming out that soon that is more efficient and cheaper to make.

    Hope they make a good electric car soon.  I live in a small town, and nothing happens here.  I enjoy concerts, but the nearest city that has concerts consisting of more than local talent is about 200 km(Toronto, ON) away.  Back when they made the EVO's they went around 90 miles, that's not enough to get back.

  11. If The Economic Crisis we are facing right now keeps getting worse & worse. It's going to be a matter of 1-2 years. If not Less.

    A car used to be filled with $55, now you need $80. & the $55 price was just 2 months ago!

    So yeah, 1-2 years or less.

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