
How long will it take a chicken to lay eggs after a move?

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We got these chickens about 2-3 weeks ago and still no eggs. I was wondering how much longer? They show no interest in the laying box we built. There is 1 laying hen 1 rooster and 3 biddies. Will the laying hen wait to lay for the biddies to also be old enough? They eat laying pellets, fruit and love bread. Could it be their diet? Also when they do lay what time is normal for laying?




  1. well, i am not surprised that they still haven't laid any eggs. hens seem to be very "touchy" when it comes to egg laying. if they have to move into a new place, they won't lay for a while. i don't know why. you may have to wait a little while longer or more.

    good luck!

  2. 1st your chickens have to be of age to lay and some breeds take longer age is usually around 4-5 months If you have babies this will have to be a waiting game for a while since they are still to young. You need to give thes birds some scratch feed as well plus grit or oyster shell Laying pellets is not enough. Mix scratch and pellets together when feed them either in a dish or over ground this allows for birds to scratch and peck.You can also give table scraps they love this hope they are free rome better for them Once they start to lay most likely will use same nest as your hen thats laying now but make sure you check all nest. The hen thats laying will keep laying she can't stop and waite for others,This depends on birds mine started in the morning and now lay around 9:00 AM -5:oo pm once they start each week/month they lay later and this just goes this way so one day they will be done the next they are still setting. My birds are put up at night so as soon as day light rolls around mine are ready to start to sit. I put mine up since I;ve had critters in my yard that has killed mine and took a few as well, this is best if wish to keep they will get use to going into a coop at night and ready to come out in morning if start early other wise will roost in a tree on top of a shed or barn anything they can get into thats high and off the ground. IF have a coop have roost off the ground for birds to rest on.. Good Luck with new birds mine I love to watch and hold.

  3. You've got a few possible scenarios going on here...

    Even with a new move, layers usually adjust pretty well.  We've got a couple of hens at fair this week, and we're pulling eggs out of cages every day - and they've only been there two days.  A healthy bird should be laying pretty much regardless.  Stress can halt production for a couple of days, but not a couple of weeks.

    If you purchased the birds together, did you get a breeder pair and some chicks?  If your laying hen is mature (over 6 months), then she is possibly mothering the younger pullets (I think you referred to them as biddies).  These pullets don't necessarily have to be hers - I've got some hens that will go obsessively broody if someone else hatches chicks.  I've also got a couple of "foster mothers" who will steal chicks from other hens.  You might have a good old broody hen on your hands.  And a hen who is busy trying to raise her brood will often shut down egg production until she sees fit to start collecting another clutch.

    A mature bird who isn't brooding shouldn't be going that long without laying eggs this time of year.  Is she hiding them somewhere?  I've had hens stash nests in flowerbeds, behind hay bales, in seed trays on my potting bench... you might want to search around and see if she's got a hiding place.

    Your hen might also be molting (which they do twice a year and usually stop laying during that time), she may be a very old hen who is too old to lay, or she may be eggbound, which can be potentially fatal.  Make sure she's getting crushed oyster shell for calcium and grit for proper digestion.  Layer pellet and treats for supplements is a good diet, and this time of year, they have access to fresh greens and insects while outside.

    Hope this helps!

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