
How long will it take for Costa Rica to recover from hurricane Felix?

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I saw it blowing around on TV, looks pretty bad since it washed ashore as a cat long do you think the recovery will take and what does this mean for Costa Rica's fragile democracy, especially in the aftermath of their recent military coup?




  1. I hear about Felix devastating Honduras & Nicaragua. I haven't heard about Costa Rica.

  2. Costa Rica doesn't have a fragile democracy. The country is very stable.

    Costa Rica was the first country to constitutionally abolish its military.

    Anyway, the hurricane didn't cause much damage to Costa Rica and the country is doing fine.

  3. Costa Rica was not affected by hurricane Felix..... Nicaragua is being affected NOW by the hurricane, it stroke on the coast of Nicaragua this morning.   Countries that are going to be affected are - IN THIS ORDER






  4. I am a Costa Rican, living right now in Costa Rica and I have to tell you that first of all we havent had a coup in Costa Rica since 1917 so you must be thinking about another country. Second we don't have a fragile democracy, in fact our democracy is considered one of the most stable ones in Latin America.

    As for hurricane Felix we got lucky and weren't greatly affected. Just a few floods and landslides but no lives were lost. Compared to what happened in Nicaragua and Honduras we did pretty good.

  5. First they have to asses the damage and then come up with the estimates.  Economist will be able to do that once they have the real actual number.

  6. Hurricane Felix turned when he saw he was gonna get intersepted by the big oh mountains !

  7. Costa Rica was not effected by Hurricane Felix.

    It is almost IMPOSSIBLE for hurricanes to hit Costa Rica.

  8. costa rica... felix... no hurricane here... look deep down.

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