
How long will it take for Russia to defeat Georgia? ?

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It seems to me like it shouldn't take so long seeing Russia is so big, of course I would assume the US NATO and others are helping Georgia, but i think Georgia should just surrender to save lives sense they will loose anyways.

Also, If Russia and China went to war, who would win?

My bets on China considering Russia's birth rate is so dangerously low, I don't see why any of those countries with such low birth rates would be fighting each other.




  1. Its already to late for that, Russia is withdrawing troops.

    China- Russia,

    Russia would win considering their alliance with other countries.

  2. They did it in 3 days, a couple of weeks ago. They went in, did what they wanted to do, defied the world, stayed as long as they wanted to and left, more or less when they felt like it. And the rest of the world jumped up and down and said "you guys really p**s me off." and that was that. If that is not defeating another country, what is?

    Russia and China, China would win in the long run, but, if all out war, your talking half the populated world at war, pretty much a no win situation, as they both have technology, manpower and nuclear weapons.

    The next major conflict (or World War) will be over so fast that the generational birth rate will have noting to do with wining or losing, only with surviving.

    Back to the first part. Georgia should just surrender. With that attitude we would all be speaking Japanese. Or French if you go back in our history far enough. Or maybe even clicks and groans.  

  3. Russia's not AT WAR with Georgia...they're just in there to make sure McCain gets elected!

    It's like when George the First used his CIA contacts to get Iran to keep the hostages so that Reagan would get in.  All status quo.

    With McCain they KNOW what they're getting...Obama might prove to be a loose Bobby Kennedy.

  4. Russia could destroy gerogia in 4 days tops. No one is helping Georgia fight by they way not NATO or anyone. Russia is not trying to destroy Georgia. ussia just wanted to beat them up a bit.

    As for Russia and China. Russia would win in the end. China has a billion people. They could pretty much march into Russia but once Russia felt pressed they would nuke China and everyone around it. Russia would play with nuclear weapons.

  5. georgia is the size of south carolina, it might take a day if they did declare all out war

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