
How long will it take for THC to get out of my Urine?

by  |  earlier

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So i was a casual smoker my first year of college, now its summer and i haven't smoked in little over a month. I took like 2 hits this past weekend after a month of not smoking and was wondering how long it would take to get out of my system. I have a very fast metabolism and i go to the gym at least 4 times a week. Also, i take b12, creatine and niacin supplements, and usually drink alot of liquids.

im like 5'11 and weigh about 180, but its mostly lean muscle...thanks in advance




  1. No longer than a month, but likely sooner being as you work out regularly, and drink lots of water.

  2. You better figure on 30 days especially if your going to be taking any kind of drug test.

  3. up to 28 days some times longer depending on how much water you drink annd your motabilism

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