
How long will it take for a Lemon to cost 1 million dollars?

by  |  earlier

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Due to global warming, high oil prices, shipping costs, global deforestation, inflation, devaluation of the dollar, war, anarchy, and Armageddon, how long before a lemon will cost 1 million dollars?




  1. What?! Lemons cost 1,000,000 bucks?!?!?!?!?!?!! WELL THEN I NEED TO FIND A DIFFERENT RECIPE FOR TOMORROW NIGHT'S PIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    I have no clue.

  2. i am gonna say an extremely long time ----why would u want to know anywas?  

  3. thats if there was only one lemon tree in the world and they were in great demand.. and they were really holy! ... and only 2 were hanging from the tree!!

  4. A million dollars may be the price of an hour's work, if the dollar loses its value. But most likely we would see the dollar withdrawn from use, replace it with some other currency that we delude ourselves to think will have a different fate.

    Prices of real things, in terms of hours of work to buy them can change if the number of hours needed to produce them changes or if access to markets where the product is being made in quantity should be cut off. We have seen prices of beef in Japan go to levels we can barely imagine back in America. Why? Japan's import restrictions and individuals with lots of money willing to pay whatever it costs.

    Ultimately it does not matter what a lemon costs in terms of dollars, because a dollar has no real value. What matters is the cost in terms of hours of work.

    We would like to keep the price of things we need high enough to cause those that produce them in production. If production stops because of low prices, that is when prices have to go up just to give all the stuff to just the richest people willing to blow a wad to get a lemon.

  5. It already costs more than that in some countries in Africa which have exerienced run-a-way inflation.

  6. After your doom and gloom prediction`s, Lemom`s will be free since people like you will probably be gone

  7. well it may not be that long, 12 years ago you could buy a lemon for 10 cent today it cost 99cents for a lemon so considering that the  price is doubling  every on an average of every 3 years so roughly within the next 57 - 60 years it would cost $1,677,721.60 for one lemon kinda scary if you look at it this way  hope we can afford a lemon by then or just have to do without it...

  8. There is a country that use to have lira, I think it may be Turkey.

    When they got to so many millions, I think that they just sliced about 5 naughts off and started there.

  9. Actually I won't bother to answer this question, this is so hypothetical not to mention that it is incredibly silly.

    P.S. No Offence Though  

  10. Never they will revalue the dollar

    if your worried you can freeze a few here

    will cost a lot less than 1,000,000

  11. lol hard question  

  12. till they are almost extinct  

  13. Al Gore invented Global Warming. Oil is the one commodity we can't afford to do without. Look at Russia grabbing all they can. Oil equates to power.

    Lemons will cease to exist before they ever got a fraction of that. Prices are relative anyway. Items can only cost so much before a lack of demand ruins them.

    Anarchy is a losing battle. Armageddon is so near I can smell the feet of the soldiers advancing.

  14. million or more of years

  15. After we're dead.

  16. Well let's see.. Right now lemons cost about  30 or 50 something cents. So by the time it gets to 1 million dollar it will be about one trillion year from now.

  17. any time

    just get evry single lemon out there and every lemon seeds and lemon trees or other lemon related stuff that can grow lemons

    keep one lemon

    and incinerate the rest....

    you''ll have the only lemon in the world and it will be worth more than 1 million dollars... :)

  18. only if there were only like one or two lemon trees on the world!

  19. probably around 2012, due mainly to the side effects of peak oil.

  20. i hope not to soon

  21. A long time, hun..

  22. lol...a long time.

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