
How long will it take for everyone to realise that the price of Gas and the lowsy econ is not Bushes fault?

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  1. When it bites them in the butt then they will see the light,.. maybe !!!!

  2. well lets see here... Bush is an Oil man from and Oil family. d**k was the CEO of Hallaburton.. the middle east is less stable because of the Iraq situation

    the unstable situation causes less oil to be available

    BUSH and his administration deregulated the commodity markets and it is easier for the traders to manipulate the oil futures

    so it seems to me that the price of gas has a lot to do with bush and Exxon is making HUGH RECORD setting profits

  3. What effect exactly does bush have then?  Just wars?

    And to be honest buddy, if you don't see the high gas prices as a result of OPEC ****ing with us(as a result of Bush and his Administration ****ing with them) then you are blind.  What is causing high gas prices?  The g**s?

    Theres Oil in alaska...but you dont seem to understand- its not a huge amount of miracle oil that will free us from our dependence on OPEC.  Its an okay size, but its not huge.  If we make it last its enough to cover maybe  5% of our nations oil usage a year- but you have to think of the oil company business tactics- why would they just completely allow another site to open up and lower prices.  Theat would cut their profit.  Sure they want to get their hands on it, but when it opened they would just slow their supply to the market, keeping prices just as high.  Estimateds I've seen place the price of gas falling 4-6 cents if ANWAR opened for drilling.  Also, it takes as many as 10 years to get the clearence, permission, soil samples, etcc and as many as 10 to get the area all ready to extract oil.  20 years and 6 cents per gallon is hardly the miracle cure the country needs

    I'll give you that the lousy economy isn't a direct result of Bush's actions, but someone who was stronger in that area(republican or democrat) probably could have made a difference.

  4. about 10,000 years. all presidents take the blame for things that happen on there watch. bush will be remembered for death in America and Iraq,suffering at home, a bad economy, very high energy prices,dangerous foreign made food and goods and many other very bad things. Obama hopefully will clean up Bush's mess.

  5. Sure.  Blame it on Obama.....are you kidding me?  You obviously have no clue about why gas prices are so high.  Let's start with the drop in value of the dollar, then lets move along to the consumption by China, then let's also look at the consumption by America, then let's also look at the lack of research into alternate fuel (not biofuel), then let's look at the HUGE tax breaks that the oil companies get when they are reporting RECORD PROFITS that Bush gave them and McCain supports.  Bush can be blamed quite rightly for the igh cost of oil and the de-valued dollar.  It is his war and his ridiculous spending in Iraq and Afganistan that has caused the economy to take a dump.

  6. Hmm start a war for oil. Then use more oil than you can get, driving prices through the roof. Have people start using corn to make fuel, this doesnt solve the fuel problem it just takes all the food. Dont do anything to help the economy or have any good ideas to stop all the wars and wasted money. But it wasnt bushes fault, just blame me. Im sure thats it

  7. Gas prices aren't Bush's fault but you can give him a huge chunk of the blame for the economy.  Tax cuts coupled with massive expenditures in Iraq and all around poor fiscal responsibility have led to a poor financial position for the United States, hurting the economy both now and in the future.

  8. Running out of our natural resources is nobodies fault. We've populated the earth faster than technology can develop ways to replace depleted resources.

  9. Because blaming the president is easier than working to solve the problem.

    Notice how the Democrats gained control of Congress partially on their promise to do something about gas prices - and have done absolutely nothing about the issue?

    Based on this track record - they are likely to do the same quality job on the economy as they did on gasoline prices.

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