
How long will it take for me to lose....?

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How long will it take me to lose 5 kilos

I can sort of change my diet a bit by cutting out snacking and badder foods. And I can use an Ab machine, an exercise bike and I can run, bike ride and swim.

I am asking this because over winter I put n 5 kilos!! I'm on the brink of being overweight.

At first I only had to tone up but now that I have that extra 5....well you know...




  1. oh, don't say that! honestly you are nowhere near being overweight. the way you see yourself differs greatly form the way other people see you. ok, you told me the other day what you weigh and you are a few cm taller than me, so hold on a sec, i'll calculate your BMI...its 22.2, and to be overweight it has to be 25!! so really, you're fine...

    but if you insist, the ways you suggested are the perfect ways to lose weight, if you do them regularly and don't slack off you could easily do it in a month. You've seen them on the biggest loser, some of them lose more than that in a week, but i assume you won't be training as hard as them! You're lucky you have access to the ab machine and exercise bike...i've only got the pool to work with!!! well i could pump up my bike tyres but it hurts you butt to ride it...anyway...

    I think that you would lose the weight over summer anyway. i gain a bit every winter (everyone does!) but it always goes again in summer, so don't worry yourself about it too much.  

  2. keep a strict workout routine and follow determined and focused...u will be able to achieve it EVEN IN A MONTH....if u want it bad enough.

    good luck!

  3. P90X

    Best way to lose weight and gain muscle hands down.

  4. heres an easiest way my friend. 5kilos are not easy to lose,

    so you have to eat high in protein low carbs food.  oat meals will do in the morning and a bread. and during lunch you can have veges tag with meat, and dinner you can eat fruits and milk. and avoid or lessen your sweet intake. because sugar can add some weight.

    and remember this, just eat when your only hungry. and make yourself busy during day. and have a complete rest or sleep early in the evening. why not try, road run or road jog with a very thick and multiple shirts inside it and a jacket. that will help you sweat out a lot.  

  5. It is not that you (can) ... but that you will do it and stick with it ...

    and how hard you are going to work on it ... this maybe is gonna take about 2 weeks or maybe 3 weeks if you are really willing to do it

    you need to eat healthy food .. and exercise a lot ... visit this blog you'll find lots of information and tips to help you doing it ...

    good luck

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