
How long will it take for my 2 year old cat to get used to my 9 week old kitten ?

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Hi on friday last week I got a 9 week old kitten, but i also have a 2 year old cat, I took some advice off here from someone else's questions/answers. I have kept them both in different rooms since Friday and now I have gradually been putting them in the same room for five minutes a day. My older cat is still hissing and growling a little at the kitten, but all the kitten wants to do is play with my older cat. Does any body know how long it would take for my older cat to get used to my kitten please? thank you x




  1. It is still early in the "acceptance" process. It can take up to a month (sometimes longer!) so just be patient and keep an eye on them.

  2. Just let them sort it out for themselves. Hissing is just the older cats method of keeping the little one in line. Later she will accept the younger cat and they will become great friends.

  3. I've had to introduce new kittens into the house several times. I currently have six cats and every time a new kitten was introduced there was always drama...the hissing and growling. I would say it usually took my cats anywhere from 3 days to a week.  

  4. it could take a week. it could take a month. it could never happen. when the kittens old enough, say 6 months or almost as large as the other cat, just let them sort out their differences. if you just brake them up when fighting, they will never choose who has dominance. for my cats, it took 9 months. my ten year old cat has dominance over the 3rd floor, my year old has the second, and they still fight over the 1st. (usually my ten year old wins) but now, they really dont even bother with each other. just let them fight it out. theyll stop, eventually. and if you keep on splittting them up, they will never get used to each other.  

  5. it all depends on the cats personality and the kittens personality and you cant force it you just have to wait and see they might never adjust or maybe next week they will be best friends

  6. I think it depends on the older cat. We had a kitten for about a year and gave it away because out older cat would jsut not get along with it. The kitten didnt know when to stop playing. Perhaps when the kitten gets older and its energy is shot they might get along!

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